Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pray You Are Not A Turkey, Or In Retail, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                With Thanksgiving just around the corner--hell, literally the next day--what bigger turkey could I offer than the one from the 1957 sci-fi'er "The Giant Claw," which was something of a turkey in its own right!  This bird is certainly big enough to serve over several Thanksgivings, a reminder that these fowl at this time of  year  get a foul deal!!!!!!!!!!!!   As do those who work in retail, who barely have enough time to scarf down turkey and trimmings, when they have to run to the store to confront the mass insanity known as Black Friday, which begins officially the Holiday Shopping Season!!!!!!!!!!

                                   As I have said, when I was younger, you really did not start thinking of Christmas, until December first.  Would you believe I have heard "Felice Navidad" over an outdoor intercom already?????   I love seasonal Christmas music, and I love to sing it, but by the time the apt time rolls around, many are sick of hearing it, having been inundated with it at a much too early time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Sadly, at this point, I hear there are no plans extant to air either "Miracle On 34th Street," or Laurel and Hardy's "March Of The Wooden Soldiers?"  What is Thanksgiving, without Edmund Gwenn in his Oscar winning performance, or the Boogeymen from Boogeyland?????  Who always struck me as distant cousins of the Skull Island natives from "King Kong"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, the first thing to be thankful for, even before THE day, is that you are not a turkey, or in retail. And if you are, know that the prayers of the Raving Queen and all my girls are with you!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          As for televised traditions, we may have to look to "Mystery Science Theater 3000 for new airings.  Why not "The Giant Claw?", since it is, ostensibly, a giant turkey??????????

                                             Gobble, gobble, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. March of the Wooden Soldiers will be shown tomorrow morning at 9 on Channel 11 here in NY. Of course it's the colorized version. Happily I have the original version on dvd, along with King Kong and I intend to watch them both tomorrow! I'd never heard of The Giant Claw before;I'll have to try to track it down! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


  2. The same to you. The thought of watching a colorized version of 'March' repulses me; how lucky you are to own the DVD!!! When I was a child, Channel 9 used to run a program called "Christmas Wth The Kongs," showing, in succession, "King Kong," "Son Of Kong," and "Mighty Joe Young." "The Giant Claw is a hoot! You have to see it!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
