Friday, November 2, 2012

The Saga Of My Inner BARBRA, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 We may have not lost water or power, darlings, and thank God for that, but something was lost, as a result of Hurricane Sandy, and its resulting catastrophes--my Inner BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Two whole days I did NOT sing a note of BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!  Now, you KNOW things are not right!!!!!!!!!

                                   I just want to report that, like the MTA, She (my Inner BARBRA, that is!!!!!!)  is making a slow recovery.  At about 7:20 this morning, something just compelled me to stand up, walk to the bathroom, while Monsieur was shaving, and let out with a tentative, but pretty strong, "Hey, Mr. Arnsteeeeeeeein!!!!!!!!  Here I ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!", which bodes well for a full recovery.  Ten minutes later, I was back, going, "Listen!  I got thirty-six expressions: sweet as   pie, to tough as leather!"  Before Monsieur dashed out the door, to work, I managed a couple of lines of "I'm All Smiles," and "She Touched Me!!!!!!"  So, while I cannot say, Inner BARBRA is fully back, there is strong evidence that she is on her way to returning!!!!!!!!!  And you know I will give you a full report, once She does!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Wonder if Sandy could have silenced BARBRA, Herself????????  Bet not, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!

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