Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Watch Out, Darlings!!!!!!!!!! Here Come The Joshuas!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Girls, let me tell you, the latest thing on the literary forefront this year is the novel, "The World Without You," by Joshua Henkin, and I have to wonder if this portends a slew of literary
Joshuas.  We already have the Jonathans Franzen, Lethem, and Safran-Foer, and, several years back, Joshua Ferris was a fresh, new discovery, with his novel, "The End," and now we have Mr. Henkin. So, maybe Joshua is the new nom de plume of choice these days.

                                               I have not read this novel, yet, though, I can tell you, now that I have my eye on it, doing so is definitely  on my agenda.  It is big, sweeping and dramatic, so I am told, the kind of book that ends up on Ten Best Lists, though you have to watch out for those, what with "Ten Thousand Saints" getting on there last year.

                                                On the other hand, I am looking forward to discovering Mr. Henkin as a writer (he also teaches the MFA Program in Writing at Brooklyn College, so, if I like him enough, this is something I might investigate to, in addition to reading some of his other books.)

                                                   Rest assured, kiddies, you will get a full report when I consume this tome!

                                                    Lets hope you are as good as I have heard, Josh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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