Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Dinner Turns Into A Literary Event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Friday night, girls, we met Mark (see above) and his charming partner, Frank, for our periodic dining get together.  We dined at Bistro Flatiron, located \at 920 Broadway, which turned out to be a trendy, atmospheric Italian eatery, with reasonably priced, and reasonably appetizing, food.

                                           Now, Mark, an author, himself, has just written the above, and is working on the second in what is going to be a mystery series.  Having heard about this for some time, my literary curiosity was aroused--and you know I LOVE  mysteries, darlings!!!!!!!!!  So I was curious to read Mark's book, but resigned myself that, until I got a Kindle (if, indeed , I did!!!) I would not have access to the text!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            As it turns out, I was given a Kindle for my birthday, but with so many things I felt I had to read, it might have taken some time before I got to this.  Fortunately, Mark, generous of spirit, and, like a good, self-promoting author (which I FULLY understand, loves!!!!!!!!) generously gave us an autographed hard copy of his book.  And I promise you, after the book I am reading now, I am going to tackle this, and I will give you a full report!!!!!!!!

                                            Imagine, darlings!  A couple of gay, older Hardy Boys!!!!!!!!  Well, not siblings, thank God!  What tickles me is the suggestion, made by both, that the two lead characters are based on them, which should give me some interesting insights into Mark and Frank!!!!!!!!!  Just like the insights you can glean into moi from reading these postings!!!!!!!!!!  Toadstools to the left, darlings!!!!!!!!

                                             But I was thrilled with Mark's gift, and I look forward to reading it, especially this way, since it will remain a keepsake, and, even though I love the Kindle, it will never completely replace hard copy for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I mean, would the Brontes read on a Kindle???????????????

                                                But, thank you, Mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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