Monday, December 31, 2012

An Equally Important Event, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Actually, even more important, for those who were effected by it, as pictured above, was Hurricane Sandy.  Which hit this area the evening of October 28, which I shall always remember--because it was the afternoon of our housewarming!!!!!  I still remember everyone having to leave early--folks were gone by 5:30!!!!!--because the entire subway system was about to shut down!

                               I missed an entire week of work because of it all, but the situation was so aggravating, I could not just relax and enjoy it.  And on one day--Thursday, I think--we had to make an emergency run into the city for my meds, which was a Trip From Hell that took us two-and-a-half hours by bus!!!!!! (But, at least, we got seats!!!!!)    I have never seen the Village or Chinatown so devoid of people, and hope never to, again!  It was like a scene right out of "On The Beach!"

                              In comparison with above, we were hardly effected at all!!!!!!!!  We never once lost power, there was no building or tree damage to us (though some in the neighborhood at large) but not nearly the devastation seen on Staten Island or the Rockaways.  And who could forget that apocalyptic roller coaster in Seaside Heights, New Jersey??????????

                             No, next to our move, Hurricane Sandy was the biggest event, and we are thankful we came through it all pretty much unblemished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And with plenty of facial cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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