Monday, December 3, 2012

Darlings, How Did This Not Get On Any Book Lists???????? At Least, Not The Ones I Have Seen????????

                                       Joshua Henkin's "The World Without You" is too good a novel to be ignored. So, I am here, girls, to tell you--don't you DARE ignore this novel, or else you will miss a truly satisfying reading experience.

                                         We are in serious, and somewhat familiar territory--a New York family, the Frankels, have lost their beloved youngest son, to the war in Iraq (he was a journalist, which recalled, to me, the David Bloom tragedy!!!!), and, a year later, are gathering to hold a memorial service for him, and a gravestone unveiling.  Nothing unusual, there.

                                           However, Mr. Henkin's strong sense of empathy with all his characters--even some less likable, like Noelle's husband, Amram , or Gorgon Grandma Gretchen--immerses the reader in the goings on of these rather private people, facing not only this trauma, but upheavals in their own lives, cementing the idea that, even in the face of grief, things inevitably continue!!!!!!!!  And the skill and economy with which he keeps so many characters in focus--right down to Noelles' four, very individualistic, boys, speaks of his skill as a writer.  And when I reached the end, I was truly sorry--I wanted to know more--about Noelle, about Amram, many others.  Everything is tied up neatly,so I don't think a sequel is in the works, but this is one of the few times where I have finished a work of fiction, coming away thinking about what happens to the characters, once the story ends.

                                              I am certain I can form my own conclusions, since we are given so much to work with.  Even more, having discovered the hitherto unheard of (at least on my part) Mr. Henkin, I look forward not only to his next endeavor, but to perusing his earlier works!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I don't know what these book listers are thinking!!!!!!!!  I mean, silly, gimmicky graphic novels, in favor of soaring language and satisfying narrative???? What is the world coming to????????  I am telling you, girls, it is getting to where I sometimes think I would rather be in attendance at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party!!!!!!!!!!  Not that other Tea Party of bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 But, girls, teatime or anytime, Mr. Henkin's book makes for a perfect read. Don't let it be overshadowed  by other gimmicky, overrated twaddle!!!!!!!!!!  This is a real thing, by a real

                                                   Love your voice, Josh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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