Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Forget About "The Two Mrs. Grenvilles," How About The Two Joans??????

                                     Darlings, I am talking about those two very scary Joans-- Rivers, and Didion!!!!!!!!
Joan Rivers, we know and love, but, honestly, girls, those face lifts!!!!!!! She outdoes even my deceased Aunt Katie, who had five, and died right in the chair, during her sixth!!!!!!!!  Guess she went out the way she wanted--looking good!  But Joan has had at least double that amount, and, when you hear her unmistakable voice coming out of that rather distorted form, it can shake one up a bit!!!!!!!!!!!  This is a cautionary tale in what NOT to do, darlings!!!!!!!!!  Do not follow the example of Joan Rivers!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Then there is Joan Didion!!!!!!!!! She is just the opposite of Joan Rivers--dour and depressing (not that she hasn't reason to be, what with she has gone through, and chronicled) but this is someone who could actually USE a good face lift or makeover!!!!!!!!!!!  It's kind of like "The Story Of Lucy  And Jessie," with these two!  "Poor sad souls, itching to be switching roles!"  Or maybe each should switch a bit, because there would then be improvement on both sides.

                                            But I can't imagine Miss Rivers reading one of Miss Didion's works, anymore than I can imagine Didion sitting through one of Rivers' comedy acts.   These two gals should never team up!!!!!!  But, together, they, again, form a cautionary tale for all my girls out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   There are better Joans out there, to emulate! Crawford and Baez, for starters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Not to mention St. Joan of Arc!!!!!!!!!  Remember how great Ingrid Bergman's skin looked, in the movie?????????????

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