Monday, December 31, 2012

Meanwhile, At The Movies..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               What domesticity has reduced me to, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  Not that I am complaining; girls, take it from me, I am ready to become a housewife!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 However, when it comes to lists, my Moviegoing one reached an all-time low!

                                 In 2012, I went to the movies--are you ready????--only 8 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I know what some of you must be thinking--this is unheard of!  And you would be right!

                                 But, remember, I am not single anymore!!!!!!!!  And, let me tell you girls, when single you DO get out more, not only in the hope (however unconscious) of meeting someone, but to get out there and distract yourself from, well,.....being single!  At least that is the way it was with me!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Not that, during that time, I went to things I did not WANT to!!!!!!!! Au contraire, my dears; I am not that shallow!!!!!!!!!

                                   But, I have to say, with domesticity, a lower quality product, and my stamina, which has changed in time with age, I am simply not going to  the movies as much anymore, first, because there is often not much out there I want to see, (interesting that many movies gone to this year were revivals of classics I have seen before!!!!) and, second, I just don't have the emotional strength for stuff I know I should see!   Like "Zero Dark Thirty."  I know I SHOULD see it, but I just don't have the stamina for it, I had in my youth!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I mean, look how "Les Miserables" wiped me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Which brings me back to it.  Because of my limited screen exposure this year, I cannot say if it is the Movie Of The Year, but I can tell you, in all honesty it IS the Movie Event Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Speaking of stamina, and "Les Mis," back in 1987, when it opened on Broadway, and I knew it would run for a long time, I had the idea, just as I did do with "A Chorus Line," that I would see it multiple times, wanting to see every actress who played the  role of Fantine!!!!!!!!!!

                                        As it turned out, I saw only two--Randy Graff (the original), and Melba Moore (years later, when, by this time, the show had  moved from the Broadway to the Imperial Theatre, where it remained till closing in 2003.  Melba was wonderful, and, having been through some Fantine-like travails herself, I wanted to see how she would put it all to use in the role!  She was fabulous!  And she still had that voice!!!!!!), because, as the years wore on, my stamina lessened, and so did my pocketbook, as ticket prices soared higher and higher.  Meaning, even if I had the stamina to carry this out, as I might have, had this show opened when I was in my twenties,  I could no longer afford to!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, when word began leaking out, around May (again, that emotionally fraught month!!!!!!!!!!!) that the film version would open in December, there was much for us to anticipate.  No matter how you stood or felt on the issue, or the outcome, this stood to be the Movie Event Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Which it is, and, as I also reported, a satisfying one!  With ticket prices here cheaper than stage, if younger, I might have seen this multiple times.  But, having been so wiped out by my recent viewing, I am not sure, if I can handle a return visit!!!!!!!!!!  At least, not right away!!!!!!!

                                          But make sure you all get to  it, my girls!!!!!!!  Allons-ons, mes petit enfants!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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