Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Now, Really, Girls!!!!!!!!!! Do These Teeth Need Pepsodent????????

                                     This day is full of many important designations, and one of them is Jake Gyllenhaal's birthday. He of the wavy hair, pearly white teeth, sparkling eyes, and dreamy smile, reaches the age of 32, darlings, and would you believe he is still single????????? Which still gives some of my girls out there a chance, because at this point Jake must really be looking for something special.  Not that Denise Richards, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Did I ever look this good at 32????????  I can't remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But we wish Jake the best on his natal day--with a party to end all parties!!!!!!!!!!!!  I wonder how come I was not invited?????????????  But , then, I forgot to invite Jake to mine last month, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            So, here is to today's Birthday Boy, Jake Gyllenhaal!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Kisses and hugs for him, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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