Thursday, December 27, 2012

Perfect Christmas Holiday Bitch, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Now, girls, just because it is Christmas Week, do you think I would forget Bitch Of The Week???????  What better time to do one!  Not only is it Christmas Week, it is also the last Thursday of  2012, so I have to end with a REAL winner!  And, honeys, have I found one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The winner of the final Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award for 2012 is Mother Superior (played by Lilyan Chauvin) in "Silent Night, Deadly Night!"

                                        I am telling you, even by the standards already set by evil nuns, this Mother Superior breaks new ground.  If you thought Madeline Sherwood looked scary in that wimple on "The Flying Nun," you ain't seen nothing yet!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         First of all, have you ever seen "Silent Night, Deadly Night?"  Years back, Channel  9 in this area used to show it all the time!  Believe me, if you want a break from "It's A Wonderful Life," this is the one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         It is Christmas Eve, and little Billy, and his younger brother, Ricky, are on their way home with Mommy and Daddy.  Who stop at a gas station, which is robbed by a murderous robber in a Santa suit, who delivers the howler, "Merry Fucking Christmas!"  He sees Mommy and Daddy out front, kills Daddy with a gun, and does the same with Mommy,  (with Billy witnessing all this, as he and Ricky are hidden inside the car, so the villain does not see them!!!!) but not before he rapes her in front of her son!!!!!!!!  Nice, huh????????????

                                         For Billy and Ricky, things only go from bad to worse.  They are put together--which is unusual-- in a Catholic orphanage, run by our malicious Mother Superior.  Ricky is kept from harm, but for some reason (abusers always target particular ones), this Nasty Nun focuses her rage on Billy, beating him, tying him up, slapping him, and verbally harassing him with phrases like "Naughty!", "Punish!" and "Punishment is good!!!!!!"  Don't worry, dolls, because, let me tell you, what goes around comes around in this film!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, Billy has been traumatized enough by the whole Santa Claus Murder!  So, he has issues with Saint Nick, which is why he acts up, each Christmas, when Santa comes to visit the orphans!!!!!!!!!  And, of course, gets it from Mother Superior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Well, Billy grows up, hits puberty, and those hormones kick in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, guess what?  First, having been "raised" by an evil nun, forget sex--he views it as BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
He doesn't even have a chance to be gay, because you can bet this Mother would never allow Barbra Streisand albums into her orphanage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              The result, of course, is that Billy has all this suppressed rage--which has to come out sometime!!!!!!!!!!!  Which it does, when, triggered by being forced to get a job as a department store Santa (or maybe assistant????) , Billy turns into a murderous killer--going after people he thinks need to be "Punish-ed!!!!!!!!!"  Of course, the one who really needs to get it is that Mother Superior, and all during the other murders, we are cheering Billy on, to get to that orphanage, and take out that scurrilous

                                                It looks like we are going to get our wish!!!!!!!!!   But there is also a sympathetic nun, Sister Margaret, whose sympathy for Billy's plight still does not stop him from becoming a killer, but who works to keep the orphanage safe, when Killer Billy comes on the scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Just as it looks like Mother Superior is going to get the axing she deserves, authorities arrive on time, and shoot Billy dead, ending his killing spree.

                                                 If the movie had ended this way, it would have been an outrage!!!!!!!
But, of course, the filmmakers have something else in mind.

                                                   Guess who witnesses the murder of his Santa-dressed brother?????
You got it, it is Young Ricky, now the age Billy was, when the film started.  When Billy drops dead in front of him, as Sister Margaret looks on in horror, Ricky points his finger at glowering Mother Superior, saying, in a chillingly, childhood voice--


                                                Yep!  Right then, you know there will be a sequel, who will be the next killer, and that if Mother Superior didn't get it in this film, she will in the next!  No "Climb Ev'ry Mountain", here, darlings!!!!!!!!!

                                                  "Silent Night, Deadly Night" is a film you just have to see!  It is a hoot! Though, when released in 1984, many parents were outraged by the idea of a killer Santa, even though the film was rated "R," which meant their little tykes should not have seen it, but whom are we kidding???? So, the film was banned in many communities!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     And just recently, 28 years later, it was!  BAM (Brooklyn Academy Of Music) had put together a film program of "unusual" Christmas movies this year--and this was scheduled!!!!!!!!  But, (I am sure this was the reason) after the Newtown Tragedy, it was removed from the roster!!!!!!!!!

                                                      But see it, anyway, loves!!!!!!!  I am telling you, forget Little Orphan Annie and Miss Hannigan!!!!!!!!!  THIS should be the next big, hit Broadway Musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       With MERYL STREEP as Mother Superior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Just the PERFECT Holiday Bitch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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