Monday, December 17, 2012

Ramsey Comes Into His Own This Season, Girls!!!!!!!!

                                    Ramsey is our  pet stuffed ram, whom I have had for almost eight years.  It will
be eight years, come my next birthday, in 2013. He was inherited from a friend who left this world too soon,
but knew I was the one with the love and affection to make Ramsey a part of my home. Which he has been, with me, in Woodside, for all those years there, and now, in Bay Ridge, with Monsieur and I, for the first time jointly with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But Ramsey was feeling left out!  As we were decorating the living room, even dressing Baby Gojira in his Second Annual Christmas Outfit, Ramsey was feeling a bit miffed, and I could understand why--he wanted to be decorated, too!!!!!!!!!  So, yesterday afternoon, when we set out to do our Christmas shopping--which we completed, by the way, we also set out to find the perfect ornament for Ramsey.

                                      Now, girls, I was not able to bring you a literal picture of Ramsey, just a symbolic one.  Ramsey sits on the rim of our living room couch, keeping an eye on things in the apartment.  We feel safe with him.  It was difficult finding the perfect outfit for Ramsey, but we finally did--a feathered, cotton angel halo, with a barrette, which we wrap around Ramsey, so that he halo hangs above his head!!!!!!!!!!

                                        He looks like a little angel!!!!!!!!!!!  And, with the Christmas tree, and Baby Gojira, he goes so well!!!!!!!!!  In fact, when Baby Gojira saw Ramsey in his outfit, he jumped up and down with delight.  And Ramsey grinned from ear to ear!  He was happy, and we were happy he was happy!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Ramsey sends his love to all, from our house to yours!  He knows, and we do too, that he is the best Christmas Ram out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But, he still hates Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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