Friday, December 21, 2012

"Won't You Turn Me On, Like The Neon, That You See On....BROADWAY!!!!!!!!!!"

                                "It's great to be back , Back, BACK ON BROADWAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   That, of course, is the great opening sequence of "Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol," where Quincy is driving in (against the traffic, of course), probably from his home in New Jersey, because he was a Rutgers grad!!!!!!!!!  It is brilliantly performed by the late, great Jim Backus, and it always set the tone for this great Holiday classic whenever I watched it.

                                      Well, darlings, amidst much fanfare, "Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol" is going to be shown on some NBC affiliates tomorrow night!  I am not sure if New York is one of them, though I should hope so.  After all, it was us Baby Boomer Metropolitan Area kids who made this a classic!!!!!!!

                                        Much has been made of the fact it has not been aired for decades!!!!!!

                                        But guess what, darlings???????????????

                                        They are going to still fuck it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         How?  Well, according to what I have read, they are going to cut this opening from the broadcast!  You will get the entire onstage play (which means "Winter Was Warm;" thank God, because, over the years, that too has been cut!!!!), but not this absolutely brilliant opening, which sets the tone for what is to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           This is not only robbery, it is desecration of a classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How to get even?????????????

                                           I will tell you how, darlings!  At the time this is aired, all of you who own a copy, pop your DVD edition (which WILL be complete) into the player!!!!!!!  Not only will you see this classic the way it was MEANT to be seen, you will screw up NBC in the most viable way by cheating them out of the high ratings they are expecting to get from this!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Heh! Heh! Heh!  I am such a fiend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             The REAL fiends are those who would DARE to cut this brilliant sequence from this classic!!!!!!!!!!!!  To quote Scrooge, "they should be boiled in their own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through the heart!"

                                                But you show them ,darlings!!!!!!!!!  You watch your DVD, so you can cheat NBC out of ratings!!!!!!!  That way, like Quincy, you will be able to say--

                                                  "Oh, Magoo, you've done it again!"

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