Friday, January 4, 2013

Back To The Galleys, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               In my grandmother's house, when I was a child, hung a sign that said--"A vacation consists of 2 weeks, which are 2 short, after which you are 2 tired to return to work, and 2 broke not 2."
I second the "tired" part, because my holiday vacation was a whirlwind of action, which now comes to a halt, as I take my place in the salt mines, where I don't know if I should feel like Jean Valjean, as pictured above, or Fantine in the factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But there is something to be said for a return to routine, even if it is one, at this age, I sometimes look dreamily towards getting out of (ie; retirement!!!!!!!!!!).  Of course, I wished everyone (or those I cared to) a Happy New Year, and they me.  Things are a bit quiet; first the wheels slow down when the place begins closing around Holiday time, then they crank up ever so slowly, as us worker drones slowly return. By week after  next, things should be back up to their screaming, frenetic pace.

                                 So, here I am, girls, back in the seat, but sure not to forget any of you!  Hope your return to work is a smooth one, and remember, there is always the NEXT vacation to look forward to!!!!!!!

                                   Like a cool, tropical beach, some of my favorite books, and some Mai Tais!!!!!!!!!!

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