Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Darlings, What Are We In For, This New Year, With Honey Boo Boo???????????

                            Those TLC commercials, featuring Honey Boo Boo swinging on a Christmas ornament, uttering advertising jargon, which have been airing all this week, are some of the scariest things I have seen.  It is bad enough that this child and her family, who would make the denizens of Goat Alley in my hometown seem high class, get constant exposure,  but now, not only are she and they back for another season,  but there is the promise of special holiday shows!!!!!!!  I am telling you, girls, you have just got to see the Pilgrim Pyramid, with all of them in Pilgrim costumes, and Honey Boo Boo, of course, on top!  Not only is it just too much, I wonder if they are going to go from this, to performing Arthur Miller's "The Crucible!!!!!!!"

                          To think there are actually high caliber people who watch this, and take it seriously!!!!!!!  I just love the picture above of Honey Boo Boo, but let me tell you, I have a tip for HER!!!!!!!!

                           Listen, Honey, if you are offered the chance for your own series, away from these other yokels, take it, pack your bags, and move to Hollywood ON YOUR OWN!!!!!!  You would obviously fare better than they, and it may be your only chance to reverse the course of your destiny to end up as trashy as they!!!!!!!!!!

                              And, dear, cash in on as much as you can, and sock it all away.  Because, once puberty and those ovaries hit, take a good look at what you might end up looking like!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Though, maybe then, you could do a reality show about being an ex child star!!!!!!!!!!!!

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