Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Girls, Is This My Guardian Angel? Or Is The Raving Queen Being Tracked????????

                                             Darlings, I had never so much as heard of Grace Coddington, until she came into my life, in a manner of speaking, four years ago, when I saw her in the 2009 documentary, "The September Issue."  Lately, though, it seems Grace is everywhere.

                                               Several months back, my beloved Monsieur reported he was at his eye doctor, when he heard a nurse call, "All right, Miss Coddington."  He looked up, and saw a familiar mane of flaming red hair.  It was Grace herself.  I remarked it was too bad he did not have her book on him, he may have been able to get her autograph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Shortly after this, I had my own sighting.  I was en route to work one morning, having switched at Times Square from  the R train, waiting for the Uptown Number 1.  It pulled in, and, as people piled off, I spotted a distinctive looking mane of hair.  "Who is that?" I remarked to myself.  The minute she vanished, I knew it had been Grace Coddington!!!!!!!!!!!!

          And yesterday marked another sighting,                                                
which was serendipitous and helped ease a troubled day.  Having learned the day before of the death of a retired coworker some of us knew, many of my colleagues were upset.  Yesterday, near the day's end, an older, white haired gentleman stopped to see me at the desk.  It took me several seconds to recognize Glenn, someone I had not only worked with years before, but participated in everything from choral singing to musical numbers.  I was sad to hear, among other things, that his partner of 28 years had passed on the year before.  Despite this, Glenn seemed to be doing well, despite his Shore house being demolished by Sandy.  He has retired, and seems to be enjoying his leisure time.  Good for you, Glenn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     But all this drama, and death, was just too much, and I was rather upset by it all.  When, as I was switching at Times Square enroute to Brooklyn, whom should I see passing through the station but Grace!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Like a Guardian Angel!!!!!!!!!!  I felt instantly better.  And hope that when I get around to carrying her book, while reading it, I have a sighting, so I can get her autograph!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        We love you, Grace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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