Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Old Man Year runs away!  Baby New Year's here to stay!

                                 Well, here we are, sweets, at the start of 2013!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it?????  A new chapter to be written, and let us hope it is a warm and exciting one, full of happiness and enjoyment!

                                   Today is also a special day for my beloved Monsieur.  This is actually his birthday!  No, I mean his ACTUAL birthday!   He is 53, but seems as fresh as the newborn babe.  Special things are planned for him today, but I cannot breathe a word about those plans, or his gift, till after all is revealed.  Meaning you may not hear about them till tomorrow!

                                    What does the New Year mean for me?  More time with my beloved, a chance to top my book reading and movie going lists from last year!  And, since my postings went up by 124 last year, the bar is raised even higher for this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       At the end of April, my father reaches the ripe old age of 98!!!!!  At the end of next month, my sister turns 73!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Do I have any goals?  Two. First, to make a dent in the actual writing of the book I keep saying Is MY version of Julia Phillips' "You'll Never Eat Lunch In This Town Again."  Its title at this point is "These Are Facts, I've Got An Ax To Grind!"

                                         The other goal is to try and be more tolerant of others who annoy me at work!  To try and get through the day without them irritating me, or making me gnash my teeth!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, Happy New Year to one and all!  Nothing but blessings for my darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

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