Thursday, January 24, 2013

Insanity Wolf Is Back For A Third Time, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Now, honestly, girls, who would have expected Insanity Wolf to be back, let alone back so soon?  This is his third appearance on here in, about, two years, which would put the average at six month-plus intervals.  Good heavens, I hope they are not escalating.

                                   Three, they say, is the charm.  But, while I love the charming picture of Insanity Wolf, I hate dealing with him, in person.  As they say in baseball, three strikes and you're out (I learned that from "Damn Yankees," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!), so I am here to offer some tips.  Earlier today, on Yahoo, I read an article called "Ten Things Never To Say To Your Boss!"  I disagreed with about three of them.  So, with that in mind, I am going to present "Things To Say When Talking Back To Insanity Wolf!"

                                      1. Tell The Motherfucking Son-Of-A-Bitch Off!  Not in language that choice, but some suggestive retorts are--a.) "Don't you call me a liar!"
                                            b.) "Who the hell do you think you are?"
                                            c.) "Get off your high horse!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        2. If you don't have a blog, loves, document on paper every transgression, even if (maybe especially!!!!!!!) he has the temerity to criticize your fashion sense!  If you are reading this, then none of you have any cause to worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          3. Let him know you have had it, and are not taking any more of his crap! Then talk to those preferably higher up, who are PAID to take his crap, but can give it right back to him!  And maybe put Insanity Wolf in his Anger Management Cage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             4. Start marking the dates of his appearances, so you can build up a case against him.  And dare anyone to try and stop you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                5. Having been assured that changes will take place, wait and see.  If they do not, to your satisfaction, remind those whom you spoke with, you are expecting changes. And if they still do not happen, file a grievance--not against your higher ups, but against Insanity Wolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  6. Confront him outright!!!!! "Are you bipolar?," you may ask.  Or--"Is the moon always full when you are around????????"

                                                    7. If the answer to the second question is, yes, think about using a silver bullet to rid yourself of the problem.  But do not allow yourself to be implicated in its use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     8. Force the schmuck to watch the climax of the werewolf story in
"Trick r Treat," where Anna Paquin changes into a wolf before Dylan Baker's eyes while straddling him, and, instead of giving him an orgasm, tears him to pieces!!!!!!!!!! That should shut him up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       9. Point out his advanced age at every opportunity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     10.  Remind him his mortality rate is increasing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And last, but not least, stay the hell away from him. Now, should these suggestions fail, or if there is a fourth encounter, ( which you know I will report!!!!!!!!!) send this sad lack of impulse control to a mental institution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Bedlam, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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