Sunday, January 20, 2013

Such Fun, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I seem to be just reading my way through January, darlings, and this novel, which came out several years ago, is such fun!  Definitely in the same vein as the Caleb Carr books, and, while not as compelling, is nevertheless worthwhile.

                                         Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung-those two psych biggies--are en route to Clark University in Worcester, Mass.--stop over in New York.  Someone is tying up girls, whipping and bleeding them, and in most cases, leaving them dead.  A young detective, Littleton, and the psychologists get in on the act, and what follows is an expose into the corrupt world of New York high society.

                                           Girls, I have to warn you, the violence is quite graphic and gruesome, though queens into the S and M scene (and I know who you are out there; all you readers of "Fifty Shades Of Crap!") will just love it.  I have to say I thought the climax was a little overblown, because, while there is only one killer, EVERYONE, in some way, turns out to be so messed up.

                                             The ending could have used a bit more restraint, and the killer needed a compelling back story to make his sickness understandable.  But these are quibbles.  Jed Rubenfeld writes an entertaining historical suspense yarn, and I look forward to reading his next book, "The Death Instinct."  The title alone is chilling.

                                                Now put away that cat o' nine tails, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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