Monday, February 11, 2013

Can You Believe It, Darlings????????? The Pope Has The NERVE To Upstage Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                For those of us in the know, today--February 11, 2013--marks the 155th Anniversary of Bernadette's Vision At Lourdes.  The day she first saw the Queen of Heaven!  And that is how it should be!

                                Except, the first thing I hear, getting out of bed, is that Pope Benedict, in Rome, is resigning his post, as of February 28, due to health!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Now, I am sorry the 85-year-old Pontiff has to do this--although why does he, when most Popes just die in office, with the black smoke rising out of the chimney when he does, and the white when a new Pope is selected????????   But, even more, why did this have to be announced today????????
Today is all about Bernadette and Mary connecting, and let me tell you, if those two are capable of being pissed, then I am sure they must be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Plus, who will we get in his place????????  Sister Peg?  Oops, she was played by Alfre Woodard, her character is dead, and if you think the Catholic Church is ready for a woman to lead it at this point, then I will show you a REAL miracle!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   How about Sister Camille D'Arienzo??????????  Great choice, but same reasons as above.  Besides, I think she is happier doing the good she does to those of us who follow her in the Metropolitan Area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Father Guido Sarducci??????????  Don Novello is still alive, and I have been saying this for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   But no--they probably will pick another right wing zealot, who will outlaw everything from building blocks, to homosexuality!!!!!!!!!!  Get with the program, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Time to get back to Bernadette--this is HER day, and don't you forget it!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As Lamb Chop once said to Shari Lewis--

                                   LC: What do you think I am, an Arnold Benedict?

                                   SL:  That's Benedict Arnold!

                                   LC:  And he was even worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   SL;  Right!


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