Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Got Me A Garter Belt, Got Me A Bedroom...."

                              Listening yesterday afternoon, girls, to the Original Cast Recording of "The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas" made me realize not only what a score it still has, and how proud I still am to have seen the original production, but how Susan Mansur just melted the heart when she sang her character's title song, "Doatsy Mae."

                              Remember Gwen Welles as Suellen Gay in "Nashville?"  That was Doatsy Mae, a waitress in a small town coffee shop whom no one thought of beyond that, but who reveals to the audience,by song, her own longings and dreams!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Which leads me to wonder, girls, about how many of us out there were Doatsy Maes ourselves, forging what would become our individual identities in the private fantasies of our bedroom, when we were younger???????  Garter belt, or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Maybe that is why Susan captivated me so much as Doatsy back in 1978, because I recognized a bit of myself in her!!!!!!!!!!!!  As I still did when I heard the song yesterday, with tears in my eyes, not only for the brilliance of the song, and Susan, but the passage of time. Can you believe, darlings, it has been 35 years since this show?????????????

                                  If you haven't, dig out your copy of this recording, and give it a listen, especially when Susan sings "Doatsy Mae."

                                  And don't kid me; I know some of you still have those garter belts out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Did you know that Jesse Mueller is replacing Kelli O'Hara in Nice Work If You Can Get It starting April 2? Heads up!


  2. Thanks so much for the info. My partner and I immediately went online, and got tkts for the April 14 matinee.

    By the way, something I should have said in my posting on Anthony Rapp, but I forgot. At the end of the book, he includes Acknowledgements; I always read these. He thanks those you might expect, but then he thanks the "Landmark Educational Forum" (which I know I have mentioned on here, and not complimentary) . As soon as I saw that, I thought, that explains a lot of what I had just read!

  3. Thanks for the post.it so nice postI think that The Garter Belts is an article or garment of clothing manufactured mainly for women. Garter belts are a fabric that goes around the waist, with long attachments made out of materials designed to be stretchy, which were mainly used to attach stockings to.
