Friday, February 8, 2013

How Much Insanity Can We Stand, Girls??????????

                               No, darlings, Insanity Wolf has not made another appearance in my life, which is a miracle, considering how crazy things still are in general.  Rather, I brought him out, because of the general insanity in the world at large.

                                 Let's statrt with Bob Grisham.  Wonder if he is related to John, the novelist, though if John is smart, he will disown this kinsman!  Mr. Grisham is a football coach at a high school in Rogersville, Alabama, who was caught on film voicing right wing racist remarks, ranging from "Michelle Obama's fat butt," to everything in the world that is wrong with "queers."

                                  Hey, Mr. Grisham, let's start with some of those boys on your team!!!!!!!!!  Some of those jocks may not be as "straight" as they might seem, and if they are closeted right now, you are only pushing them further back in.  Or, hey how about the football coach, played by Leif Erickson in the play and film, "Tea And Sympathy," (the recent death of actor John Kerr, at 81, brought this to mind) who would rather spend time with the boys on his team than his classy, attractive wife, played by Deborah Kerr!!!!!!!!!
Even gay boys would rather have tea with Deb than frolic with Leif--unless they were hot for him!  Personally, I think Leif was hot for his boys, so I say watch out for Bob Grisham--scratch a raging homophobe, and find a big old closet case underneath!!!!!!!!!!!   He's not "Alabammy bound"--let him STAY there!

                                     You know what is stupid, dears???????  Grisham may not be able to help having these opinions, and he is free to have them, but how could he be so stupid as to voice them, so that they would get caught on film????  And who filmed him???????  And did he realize he was being filmed??? I am inclined to think he did, and not only did he not give a hoot, but he was proud!!!!!!!!!!  Clearly, he needs a session with the Insanity Wolf Psychotherapist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Then there is  the Jackson, Tennessee dog owner (I would love to know his name!!!!) who took Elton, the pit bull mix, to a shelter to be offed, because--now get this, girls???--he thought the dog was gay!!!!!!!!!!!    And what made him think this?????????  Did he confiscate Elton's Streisand collection???????????  Did he catch him reading the autobiography of Grace Coddington????????
No, he simply saw the dog humping (dry humping, darlings!!!!!!!!) another dog, and had a homophobic fit!!!!!!!!!!!  Honey, not only did this guy not take Advanced Placement Biology, he obviously never made it through General Science!!!!!!!!!!!!  Because dogs do this, anyway!  It has nothing to do with being gay, it's what they are wired for!  Just like Theater Queens are wired for Sondheim!!!!!!!!!  What I think is funny is the former owner (Elton was eventually adopted into a loving home, by a very caring, non-judgemental woman) refuses to be identified, because he knows not only will he be judged by just about everyone out there, he will be labeled for what he is--not only homophobic, but, I am  telling you, a big Old MORON!!!!!!!!
Because only a moron would behave this way. But, then, as one commentator I read said, "He's from Alabama, what can you expect.?"

                                         Lastly, we have Emilia Gracilea Bell, the 39-year-old store clerk, from Wrightsville, Georgia--the South, again, girls; what is in the water down there that makes people act so stupid, amidst some of the mist visually gorgeous surroundings????--who took a belt to 8-year-old Logan Ivey, shopping with his mother.  According to her, Logan was acting out--calling names, throwing objects at her--and she did this to stop him.  Well, you know what????  It landed her in jail, on an aggravated assault charge!!!!!!!!!!  What made her think she had the right to take a belt to an 8-year-old child????? And in a public place??????????  If this is how she treats other people's children, I hate to see how she treats her own!!!!!!!!!

                                          Even more important--where was little Logan's mother during all this?  I do not condone, either, an 8-year-old throwing objects at  a person and demeaning them in a public place, either, so why wasn't the mother on hand to stop Logan from enacting his reign of terror?????  I am telling you, if a belt should have been taken to anybody, it should have been to the mother, who was being , in her own way, negligent of her parental responsibilities!!!!!   And you should see the father, who was interviewed-- a real Bubba, just one step up from the Honey Boo Boo gang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I would hate to think the message here is stay out of the South, especially, as I said,  it has such great visual beauty, and has produced some our country;s finest writers, and works of literature!!!!!!!!   But the insanity that reigns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It gives one pause for thought!!!!!!!!!

                                              You can bet, were she alive today, Aunt Pittypat would be asking Uncle Peter  for those smelling salts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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