Monday, February 11, 2013

If You Want To Talk About Closet Cases, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           After I did my posting on the 'SVU' episode, entitled "Criminal Hatred," dealing with a killer going after closeted gay men, a question popped into my head--"Is Rex Reed still alive?"

                             Well, he is!!!!!   He is about 74, living in the Dakota, and is currently the center of a media controversy, for calling "Identity Thief" star Melissa McCarthy "a hippo."

                               Melissa, don't you fret a bit!  Because, just wait till I get through with Rex Reed here!

                               Rex Reed had to have been the Jodie Foster of his generation.  Not in terms of talent, to be sure, bu, let's face it--he never says one word about his sexuality, or gay rights, yet even little old ladies from Dubuque can tell he is as queer as the proverbial three dollar bill!!!!!!!!!  I mean, come on; what straight man would appear in a film like "Myra Breckinridge," back in 1970, garnering the most unforgettable film review quote from TIME Magazine in that publication's history.  "Rex Reed's debut as an actor," it said," is on a par with the best line the script writers could give him--'Where are my tits?'"  Honey, this is something you just don't live down,

                                 And just look at that picture.  Isn't  it just, so, "Suddenly, Last Summer?" You better believe it is, and you bet it is intentional,as Mr. Reed there is attempting to channel Sebastian Venable--and we all know what he liked on that beach, and what happened to him.Come to think of it, wonder how many street boys and/or high end escorts have run up and down the Dakota;s elevators from the street to Rex Reed's apartment over the years?????????  It's not like he can't afford it, girls!!!!!!!!!!   If you rounded up the total amount of these sexual denizens (assuming all are still alive, which is doubtful) it could be enough to populate Rwanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But there he sits, in his Dakota Ivory Tower, gay as blazes, yet convinced we have absolutely no idea of what is going on?????????  Oh, come on Rex; own up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's  not like you are living in Bergen County, New Jersey, with a wife and children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Let me tell you something, girls!!!!!!!  Rex Reed has been around so long, I knew he was gay, before I knew I was, myself!!!!!!!!!!  And even then, he never did a thing for me!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Years ago, in a Film Quarterly interview I read with Robert Altman, during "Nashville's" first run, Altman really let it out of the bag about Rex--he said during a Caanes Festival years before (probably during "M*A*S*H,") Altman was going back to his room, on the same floor as Reed, and Reed had his door open.  The gracious Altman refused to say anymore, but the implication was Rex must have come on to the director, or Altman saw for himself something he would rather not have seen.  And after that, Rex went after Altman on every film he ever did!!!!!!!  Guess Rex (at least then) liked those big old Daddy Bears, and did not like rejection; oh, no!!!!!!!!!  Nasty, retaliating queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Well. Rex, you don't fool this Raving Queen one bit!  Hell, you never did!  You think you have fooled everyone, when the truth is YOU are the fool!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Lock this dust mop in the closet, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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