Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kiss, Kiss, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Monsieur and I exchanged the most beautiful Valentine's Day cards, with the most lovely sentiments, this morning, leaving them on display on the settee in our apartment.  Hard to believe we have arrived at another Valentine's Day.  And we--the two of us--are going to expand it by one day; the required Romantic Dinner will be tomorrow night, due to some latter day commitments today.

                                 I don't know where said dinner will be, but it will be Romantic, and, in spite of my having to work on Saturday, there will be wine!  I will give you a full report on things as soon  as they unfurl!

                                  Things have come a long way for me on this day!  I used to, each year, play the Original Cast Recording of the 1963 musical, "She Loves Me!," which is still not a bad idea, not only because the show is still the most romantic musical ever written, but it turns 50 this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Then there was that dark period, where my spinsterhood morphed into moroseness, and I was watching "Fatal Attraction," with a sadistic tongue in cheek, on this most romantic of days!!!!!!!!!
I always rooted for Dan to get his, but, alas, the filmmakers did not have that kind of courage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Now that I have a Valentine to share things with, those days are past!  Whatever the day brings you--flowers, chocolates, a prix fixe meal, may it be the happiest of days; certainly, as far as this month is concerned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Watch out you don't get zinged by Cupid's arrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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