Thursday, February 21, 2013

"Lord Help The Mister, Who Comes Between Me And My Sister......."

                                          Girls, not since Blanche and Jane Hudson have I seen a Sister Act to match that of Amanda and Kim (for Kimberly) Rollins, on last night's episode of 'SVU', entitled "Deadly Ambition."  In fact, I was so impressed by the doings of Sister Kim (and by actress Lindsay Pulsipher, who played her, really nailing this piece of trash!!!!!!!) that I decided to make this a two-for-one post, with Kim being named as Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Let me tell you, I was on to Kim from the start.  Poor Amanda Rollins (the superb Kelli Giddish) had to overcome white trash living in Georgia, a sister like Kim, whom she was always bailing out, a mother to match, ( and I would not be surprised if at some point Mama surfaces, like leeches out of a swamp!!!!!!!!!)  and a gambling addiction of her own!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, darlings, the Rollinses have lots of baggage, but you have to credit Amanda with getting hers in check.

                                               Not so Kim, who plays, not only her sister, but everyone, for what it is worth!  Even her, granted, scumbag boyfriend, gets to be a murder victim at the hands of Amanda, but the whole thing is engineered by Sister Kim, who had put her and Amanda's name onto a life insurance policy, from which she could collect a nice chunka change.  This little sister ain't so dumb, after all.  A regular Sante Kines in the making. And you know how much we LOVE Sante, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I don't think this gal is one bit capable of telling any truth.  The ongoing baby?  Just something Kim made up to serve her agenda!!!!!!!!!  Sending her sister to jail??  Oh, she did not mean to, but then, how about that argument, with Kim saying Amanda thinks she is better than her family in Georgia (she is!!!!!!!!!) for moving up her???????.  So, just because Kim can't get it together, she is going to take down Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Even that Nazi Lieutenant Ed Tucker (the very hot Robert John Burke) was taken for a ride by Kim!  Damn, she is good!!!!!!!!!!  But, once burned, you can bet Tucker is out to nail Kim's ass to the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       It was heartbreaking to see Amanda being charged, almost losing her livelihood, reinstated, yet still maintaining sisterly loyalty.  But then came the piece de resistance!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Amanda and the SVU gang return to arrest Kimberly, and they find not  only Miss White Trash gone, Amanda's  entire--I mean, entire--apartment ransacked.  Kim's one line note--"I helped myself to some things."

                                                          Can you believe this????????  With this kind of resourcefulness, if she got her act together, Kim could start her own Moving Service in Manhattan.  Hell, she'd have a strong client base!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             But whatever smarts she may possess, you can bet it will be put to no good! And I have a feeling we have not seen the last of Kim.  Like many viewers last night, I want to see her get her comeuppance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               Even is she is a superb Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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