Sunday, February 17, 2013

Nothing Like Planning Ahead, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Maybe it's the Winter Blues that has me looking ahead towards Summer, what with the Mermaid Parade, not to mention my Summer Reading Project!  Between hard copy, and now Kindle, I have been on a reading frenzy, which is all to the good, but I am getting to the point where I am craving a nice, BIG book!   I have that nice new edition of "Villette" waiting, which I should get to by early Spring, but Summer, for me, darlings, is when I do the reverse of everyone else!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe that makes me a Bizarro!!!!!!!  Hell, I'm bizarre enough, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Most people read lightly during the Summer, (which, let me explain, I define as the period from Memorial Day to Labor Day!!!!!!!)  but that is when I do the heaviest material. Like the Summers between age 46 and 51, when I read, one volume at a time, Marcel Proust's "Remembrance Of Things Past."  Or the Summer I did Fallen Women In Literature--"Madame Bovary," Anna Karenina," "The Return Of The Native," and "The Awakening."  Or how about last summer, when I read "Les Miserables" to refresh myself for the film??????????

                           So, with Summer eventually approaching, as it will, and me craving some BIG books, I have compiled a list of potential Reading Projects, which I will present on here, and if you girls feel so inclined, you can suggest which one I should undertake.  Her goes:

                           1.  "Anna Karenina" (again) by that husband-wife translating team, and "Infinite Jest,"
                                 by David Foster Wallace.  No connection here; I just have to get these books,
                                 especially the Wallace off my To-Be-Read and on to my Read Shelf!!!!!!!!!!

                            2. The Summer of Thomas Wolfe--Where I read "Look, Homeward, Angel,"
                                 and "You Can't Go Home Again," concluding with a rereading of
                                 "Youngblood  Hawke," by Herman Wouk, which is purportedly
                                 based on the life of Thomas Wolfe.

                            3.  Cracking The Classics--Where I read, for the first time since high
                                 school, "The Odyssey" by Homer; the Robert Fagles, following
                                 that up with Ulysses" by James Joyce.  The latter uses Homer's
                                 epic for its structural basis.

                          What will it be, girls??????????  You tell me!!!!!!!!!!  Bet Jodi Picoult oe Jennifer Wiener don't undertake projects like this, sticking to the oeuvre of Jackie Collins.  Honeys, if you were as really sophisticated as you seem to think you are, you would at least try tackling "The Inheritance Cycle," by Christopher Paolini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           So, what will it be, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  It's sure to be a fun Summer!  And you will get , of course, a full report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Happy Reading, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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