Thursday, February 7, 2013

This Bitch, Girls, Makes The 'Honey Boo Boo' Clan Seem Classy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Honestly, darlings, I am telling you, this was one of those weeks where I had already lined up another candidate for this week's winner of Bitch Of The Week!  Then I heard about Dalina Nicholas, of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and I knew I had found my winner.

                                     This piece of drug addicted trash (and I don't mean to offend all drug addicts, because most would not go the lengths that Dalina did!!!!!!) has been convicted of selling her six-year-old daughter to men--6, mind you!!!!!!!-- so that they may have sex with her, in exchange for money to support Mommy's addictions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The first thing I want to say is I hope they lock Dalina in with the other gals, who tear her apart!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The second thing is I hope said daughter has been turned over to Children's Services and started on therapy right away, because this is already one messed up kid!!!!!!!!!  And it will only get worse, as she grows older, and begins to understand!!!!!!!!!!!  She's liable to gun down Mama in about ten or fifteen years. And, honeys, I wouldn't shed a tear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The last thing is--where are the sick scum who took Dalina up on her offer, and how about putting them behind bars, where they belong????????  There are so many sick things at fault here, and they all deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent!!!!!!!!!!!  Any of you guys married??????? Hey, too bad; if you are going to do this, you don't deserve to be near anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But it all started with Dalina, whose idea this must have been!!!!!!!!!!  Some piece of goods, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You may be Bitch Of The Week this week, Dalina, but by next week you will have a rap sheet, mugshot, and prisoner number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Enjoy getting high and your short burst of fame Dalina!!!!!!!!  From now on, you pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               And why didn't you sell yourself, Dalina??????????  Because who the hell would want you?????????????

                                                   Sick bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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