Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"When Today Is A Long Time Ago..........."

                           ..........."you'll still hear me saying Jessie Mueller singing Carrie is one of the smartest casting moves made!"

                                        Girls, I am telling you, this is the most exciting news from the Rialto I have heard in ages!  And I discovered it by accident!  I was dashing through Avery Fisher Hall last night, en route to the subway, when I discovered the poster for the New York Philharmonic "Carousel," which will be performed from February 27 through March 2!  I had known about this event for some time, and that Kelli O'Hara and Nathan Gunn had been pegged to sing the leading roles of Julie Jordan and Billy Bigelow!   But, imagine my excitement when I saw Jessie Mueller's picture on that poster!  Without blinking an eye, I knew that she would be singing the role of Carrie Pipperidge, because, why else hire Jessie but for her golden voice, and Carrie happens to have two of the most gorgeous songs in this score of scores--"Mr. Snow," and "When The Children Are Asleep."  I can just hear her singing them right now.  And that last part of 'Children', which goes "When today is a long time ago...." and the voices blend, is vocal heaven, and always brings a tear to my eye.

                                            Just like when the ensemble sings "You'll Never Walk Alone," and they get to,
"At the end of the storm is a golden sky, and the sweet, silver song of a lark...." I just lose it!!!!!!!!!!!  And I know I will if I see this.

                                             You know these performances will be packed, even though the ticket prices range from $95 to $245!!!!!!!!  Which leaves out a lot of us more financially challenged Theater Queens!!!!!!!!  However, I understand PBS will be recording it, and it will be broadcast on Friday evening, April 26!!!!!!!!  Make sure you set your tape recorders to this one, girls, you do NOT want to miss it!  Not to mention--Jessie Mueller on national television!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                See what is happening???????? Jessie is starting to get noticed, and I am telling you, with that talent, and this blog, there is no telling how far she can go!  So, whether you break your piggy banks, or feel the need to market yourselves like Fantine for ticket money, this is the theatrical event to see this Winter Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And it comes with Jessie Mueller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  June will be bustin' in March, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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