Thursday, March 14, 2013

Darlings, This Bitch Could Do More For Divorce In This Country Than Adultery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          This is Dr. Jennifer Morse, girls, and, among other things, she is a chair and spokesperson for the National Organization For Marriage.  The first thing I want to say is, why does Marriage need a national organization, if its adherents are so secure about its durability as an institution????
The second thing to mention is, why is there no National Organization For Divorce, since, many times, that is what follows upon marriage, and those folk need as much help--actually more--than their matrimonial counterparts.

                                             Just look at Dr. Morse's picture.  A REAL bitch, who will smile for the camera, but stab you in the back if you don't agree with her.  I know this type; just two words will suffice--Diane Dykeman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Now, whether or not I agree with Dr. Morse's agenda, she has a right to it. But this smart Missy is going beyond her bounds with it, and this is where I have to step up, and name her as this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week!

                                                 It seems that in a speech she recently gave, she invoked the name of Tyler Clementi in a manner demeaning to him, the LGBT community, and especially to Clementi's parents, who, rightfully, have demanded an apology from Morse and this organization.  I don't know for sure if the Clementis got that apology, but they certainly deserved it. And if they have not gotten it, what is wrong with these people?  In that case, I would not blame the Clementis for taking some kind of legal action against Morse and the organization she represents.  In fact, I would applaud them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   In the speech given in February, Morse referred to Clementi and his suicide as something that happened, because, for one thing, an older man was in the picture.  Well, honey, when you are only eighteen, and embarking on your first sexual experience, odds are that your partner will be older and more experienced, or at least someone your own age.  Eighteen is old enough to know the consequences of having sex with a minor, and most, Tyler included, are not interested in going in that direction. The other thing stated was that something is wrong with this, that Tyler should have been befriended by openly straight or gay men and women, in a chaste way, as though having sex--that is homosexual sex--is repugnant.  Obviously, Morse would have thought of Dr. Kinsey as someone who should be burned at the stake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   I don't hold that for Morse, but she should be held accountable.  Taking an anti-gay stance is one thing; invoking a tragic young victim and the grief his family still deals with, in a way to fit your agenda is not only thoughtless, it is unconscionable.  In citing Tyler Clementi, Morse was not only dissing him, but other struggling young gays, as well as Clementi's parents and countless others.

                                                     I want to see Morse held accountable.  So far, her actions have incurred social wrath, and mention as Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!  Way to go, Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      These are the type of Catholics who tell you how you should practice your faith.  They go to Communion every Sunday, so confident they are holier than thou, and have no hesitation letting you know about it. I would like to see the Host explode inside one of their mouths, after they ingested it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Morse may be a doctor of some sort, but she is NOT humane!

                                                       Get with the program, cream cup!  What would Jesus say??????????

                                                        Or Sister Camille???????????????????

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