Friday, March 22, 2013

Girls, I Ask You, Have You Heard Of This Guy???????

                                       I mean, darlings, what do I know? But, when one is the Raving Queen, and discovers something that apparently others, or a segment of the populace out there, has known about, it is time to reveal.  So, here is how I came to discover Greg Scarnici!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         First off, can you believe he is from Jamaica, Queens???????  Where????????  Because, let me tell you, I have been out in Jamaica from time to time (remember I DID live in Queens for awhile, a time which I am increasingly coming to block out!!!!!!!!!) and nothing as promising as this ever walked the streets there!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not even close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Do they even have an Italian section??????????

                                          I happened upon Greg when I was on YouTube watching Christine Pedi (whom you have heard about on here, loves) doing her Liza Minnelli impersonations.  They actually give me comfort and inspiration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Somewhere, off to the right, where the other selections are, I noticed some kind of parody with Greg.  It had to do with straight men seeking gay tricks--or so I thought.  Anyway, Greg is some kind of writer, parodist, filmmaker and performance artist--an all-around Renaissance man.  He obviously has a mind!  And his package is not bad, either!!!!!!!!!  No, girls, I do not know if he is single, but, if anyone can find out it is I, so as soon as I do, I will relay the info on here, to those of you who may have the hots for Greg.

                                              I have to admit he is not bad to look at.  And he is talented.  However, one of his projects made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I can't believe I am only learning this, after nine years, but,apparently, back in 2004, Greg and some cohorts did a parody of the immensely popular comedy show, "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy," entitled "Straight Plan For The Gay Man."  It was about a group of guys who are--now get this--doing to makeovers with gay men, so that they can pass for straight.

                                                  Back in the 70s, when homophobia was rampant (as I can attest!!) this series might have been public serving.  Even at its time, it was dated and passe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    But, more to the point, it is downright IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    The first thing necessary would be to devoid the average gay man of TASTE!!!!!!!!!!   This simply cannot be done!  Gay men are born with taste in their testosterone, which is why they come out ahead on sophistication and artistic/fashion sense!!!!!!!!!  It was like God decreed some part of the populace had to have aesthetics, AND keep the population growth down, so Gay men were decreed such!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       The next step would be to make certain, shall we say, "effete," Gay men more masculine. Sweeties, let me tell you a story!!!!!!!!! You just cannot tell!!!!!!!!!!!!  Back in the 80's, one Sunday afternoon, I got all duded up, and went to the famous Sunday Brunch at the Spike Bar on the West Side Highway.  Now, I don't think the Spike is there, anymore: that whole West Side Highway era has passed, though I believe the Eagle is still around there, and God forbid if you ever have to go to the bathroom there, because, from what I hear tell, it is always otherwise occupied!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wonder who is paying whom????????  Or maybe Greg Kelly, the more women are on to him, drops in there surreptitiously, just to get his rocks off??????????  I wouldn't be surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           The point is, when things were in vogue, and I went, you would not believe what I saw.  The brunch was actually tasty, despite it being served in the grungiest atmosphere, this side of Julius' Bar, on Waverly Place!!!!!!!!!!!! But these big, muscular guys!!!!!!!!!!  A bunch of petunias, discussing crochet and needlework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, this 2004 show thought it would "straighten" gay men??????  I'd like to see them try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               Apparently, the audience held my opinion, because this series (on Comedy Central) lasted for only 3--yes, darlings, 3!!!!!!!!! -- episodes!!!!!!!!!!  And not that Greg advocates such nonsense at all; wait till you see "Sex In Drag," where he spoofs, in drag, Madonna's book of that title--"SEX!"

                                                                 So, girls, take a look at Greg!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know you will want to!!!!!!!!!!  And, Greg, if you are out there, take a look at this blog!  I mean, like Christine/Liza says to "Lady Gaga"--"We should cut a record--a single!"  And if you are doing something LIVE, like in town, darling, do let me know, so I can tell my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   The things one can (ahem!) pick up!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't say I don't keep all of my girls, informed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                      Kisses for the Weekend, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Interesting, but hon, I have lived in Jackson Heights for 25 years and I can attest to the fact that the hunks are plentiful here. I can't wait for the warm weather when the guys in shorts come out. Hubba Hubba!


  2. I forget you live in Queens--and not far from where I did; Jackson Hts being next to Woodside. I never really explored the Hts, so I am sure you were right. Though at the other end--Woodside and Sunnyside--I diod not see much to look at!

    These gay performance artists seem to be popping up. Remember my posting on Neal Medlyn?
