Monday, March 25, 2013

Girls, There Is Something Wrong With The Way "Annie" Is Being Advertised!!!!!!!!!!

                                Darlings, after almost 30 years of living and being gay in New York, I don't think I can be called a prude.  There is always the question of good taste, and what I have to wonder about, of late, is some of the ads for the musical "Annie" I am seeing in subway stations of late.

                                 When this revival (which I will not see, save for a free ticket, simply because I had the good fortune of having been old enough to have seen Andrea McArdle, Dorothy Loudon  And Company in the 1977 Original!!!!!!!!!!) first opened, the advertising was tasteful and understated--the way it should be for this show.  The familiar black background, equally familiar "Annie" lettering, a picture of the comic book character to the right, with one reviewer proclaiming it to be "an extraordinary evening."  Really?, I thought. I am telling you, I was so enticed by this, initially, I might have eventually bought a ticket and gone, had the ad lasted.

                                    Alas, it didn't.  Instead, it has been replaced by two alternates, which I find a bit questionable in taste.

                                      The above photo may seem innocuous enough, but against this image, in the ad is emblazoned, in caps, "GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!" When you look at this image, and this wording, taking it all in, the so-called innocent "Annie" orphans come off just one step removed from the dance hall girls (ahem!) in "Sweet Charity!"

                                         And that is not all!  There is this other, even more disturbing ad, that features Oliver Warbucks with a very "Come hither" look on his face.  The ad reads, "WHO"S YOUR DADDY?", and, I am telling you the connotations are unmistakable.  For "Annie????????"  What in hell are the advertisers thinking? Who is the show's press agent, because they either need to represent another show fast, or pull the ads off of this one!!!!!!!!!!!  What kind of audience do they want to attract--busloads of pedophiles???????????   Just what we need!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't we have enough already????????????

                                           I am surprised no one has objected yet!  And if I were one of the mothers of the orphan girls, I would say something!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe I am the only one bothered by all this!!!!!!!!!!  And I am not exactly Mary Poppins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            What ever happened to, "The sun will come out tomorrow????????"

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