Saturday, March 23, 2013

Girls, You Will Not Believe How My Day Started!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    It was a coffee nightmare, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Here it was, a REAL weekend--you know, one where I actually have a Saturday off!!!!!--and I was in that euphoric state between sleep and wakefulness, when I had the most terrifying dream!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     It was a combination of the past and present.  We were visiting my sister, but not in the house she lives in, a combination of all the houses she has lived in.  My father and mother were there.  So were my nephew Jonathan, his wife, Mandy,and their two children, Fiona and Alexander.

                                                     Well, the house is stirring from its slumber, and I fully awaken, get out of bed......and there is no smell of coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!  My anxiety level instantly goes up!!!!  I get to the kitchen--and the coffee maker looks like it has been dismantled, with coffee falling all over the counter.  Apparently, it had been filled, but when the apparatus broke, it spread out all over the counter.

                                                      "No Coffee!" I screamed, at the top pf my lungs!!!! And the house came running.

                                                         Also in this dream, mysteriously, was my cousin, Maureen Hearn, whom I have not seen in almost 20 years.  With every good intention in the world, thinking it would placate me, she held up a powdered mix in front of me, asking if I would like her to make me a Mocha Latte Explosion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           "Not from a mix!" I wailed, and then began my non-stop mantra--
"Where the fuck is my coffee???????????"

                                                              I began banging the counter repeatedly, and saying this over and over.  My sister looked exasperated, my parents tried to get me to stop, my father tried to grab my arms, and pin them behind me, but I bit him, (just a scratch, girls!!!!!!!!!) Jon and Mandy ran out the door, (claiming they were going to the store to get coffee, though I had to wonder if they were not just escaping from all this!!!!!!!!!)  while their two children, Fiona and Alexander, joined me in my mantra, screaming "Where the fuck is my coffee?"  Fiona banged her hands on the couch seats, Alexander banged his fists against one of the walls!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Gojira was so terrified--Gojira! Can you imagine????--when I told him of this dream, he ran into his cabana, locked himself in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He has since come out.

                                                               Because, happily, loves, it was only a dream!!!!!!!!!
One I awakened from, went to the kitchen, made a pot (the dream caused me to make more!!!!) of coffee, and came out here, to write this blog, where a steaming cup. which I am sipping from, is happily beside me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 Good to the last drop, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  But make sure you get that all important FIRST drop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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