Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thank God I Am Separated In Bay Ridge From Staten Island By The Verazano Bridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     You have to wonder what kind of people are living over there, after what I have to tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Meet Salvatore Cosano, and his son, Joseph.  What a nice father-son photo.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with this picture, but there IS something wrong about one of the guys in it.

                                      Daddy Salvatore just happens to be the New York City Fire Commissioner.  Son Joey wants to follow in his footsteps, and be a firefighter.  Nothing wrong with that, either.  So, Daddy gets Sonny boy a job, starting out as an EMT, which will allow him to work his way into the NYFD.  Not everyone can get that kind of a break, so you would think Joey--who, by the way, still lives with his parents!!!!!!!!--would be grateful.

                                        But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This kid has some issues, and he does not care who hears them.  Get a load of some of these remarks he let loose with on Twitter--

                                         "I like the Jews about as much as Hitler!"

                                         "Martin Luther King can kick rocks, for all I care, but thanks for the time and a half!!!!!!!"

                                            And this is my favorite:

                                         "I love boob jobs. All girls should be required to get them once they reach 18. I don't want to make a lot of money, just enough to buy my wife a new set of tits!"

                                           Joey, I got news for you--with THAT attitude, you ain't got much hope of finding a wife.  And even if you do, and she is stacked like Dolly Parton, if breast cancer strikes, what are you going to do, trade her in a for a new model??????????

                                             Better stick with the inflatable doll and tube sock you use at home!!!!!!!!!

                                              I am sorry this story broke so early in the week; this slime would have won Bitch Of The Week hands down!!!!!!!!!!  Not since Greg Kelly, Police Commissioner Ray's son, have I seen such arrogant stupidity.  Maybe the two of them hang out at the same bar.  Or tag team, while trolling for women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            'Ay, Joey, I feel insulted!  Where are the anti- gay remarks?  I am sure you are not too friendly toward us!!!!!!!!!!!  But, wait a minute, 23, and still living at home with Mommy and Daddy.?????  I know the economy is tough, hon, but surely Daddy could spring for a bachelor pad for you.
Unless you stay there, because there is something you are keeping from Mommy and Daddy!!!!!!!  I know how that game is played, kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Believe me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               People like this give Staten Islanders a bad name!  Not all are like this!!!!!!!!!

                                                So, where is the nearest land fill that we can dump him into????????????

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