Thursday, March 28, 2013

This Bitch Is Hard To Beat, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I originally had two contenders for this week, darlings, but when I thought it over, the heinous act this week's winner, De'Marquise Elkins, only 17 years of age, did, trounces all else.

                                            On March 11 of this year, in Brunswick, Georgia, Elkins, and his 15-year-old accomplice, Dominique Lang, walked up to Sherry West, pushing her baby, Antonio Santiago, only 13 months, let me tell you, and proceeded to say they were going to rob her.

                                               I guess she resisted, or reacted negatively (I mean, who wouldn't???) but the teens persisted.  Then one of them--Elkins, I imagine--threatened to kill her baby if she did not turn over any money!!!!!!!!  Before you could blink, this scum walked up to this innocent baby, in his carriage, pointed a gun at him, and shot directly into his face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Sherry got shot, too, but she lived.  The sad thing is she will have to live with this trauma the rest of her life.  The good thing is, she may be able to help put these two behind bars for Life, where they belong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Because they are both minors, they cannot get the Death penalty, which, in the case of Elkins, is especially unfortunate.  Even if he rots in prison for 60 years, that is 60 years more than Antonio got.  But watch out!  A guy who murdered an infant???????  He may not last long in prison!!!!!!!!! And good riddance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        The first thing I asked myself was, were these two high??????  I am certain the robbery motive was drug related. But to pull a gun on an infant--if he was high, it's no excuse, but it explains, by eliminating clear thinking, a cause for this heinous act.  If. on the other hand, they weren't, then this is just Pure Evil, in which case get Elkins behind bars, because he will certainly kill again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         This scum is one of the worst Bitches I have ever designated this title to!!!!!!!!!  With not even a third of the year gone, he is already looking good for the year's Top Spot!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Take his picture, darlings, and use it as a dart board!!!!!!!!  It will be good catharsis in the wake of what he did to Baby Antonio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              May the soul of this truly innocent be granted justice for he and his  mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               And may this Bitch Of The Week get no peace, for what he did!!!!!!!!!!!.


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