Friday, March 1, 2013

Welcome March, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         March is always, for me, a month of hope!  It is the end of the long dreary post-Holiday period that comprises both January and February, a sign that the year is moving on, and the Hope of Spring is coming.  March brings us St. Patrick;s Day, not to mention a rather early Holy Week, capped off by ending on the dot with Easter!!!!!  How can you beat that?

                          It is also the month when now Daylight Savings Time begins, so the days grow longer.  And, on the 21st, Prosperina ends her six month stay in Hell, and comes up to Earth to be with her mother, hence Spring and Summer.  Not to mention March 19, which is St. Joseph's Day, and another portent of Spring--the swallows returning to Capistrano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          So, there is much to be excited for in March!  As far as Monsieur and I are concerned, there is much to be excited for ourselves--the March 6 screening of "The Song Of Bernadette" at St. Patrick's Church, a visit to my sister and father, the arrival of the Bloomfield contingent at our place on St. Patrick's Day, capped off by seeing "Cinderella" on Broadway, on Palm Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Yes, girls, it looks like the Winter doldrums are slowly lifting!  So, as March, inversely, arrives like a Lamb (which means it will exit like a Lion; not another Sandy, please!!!!!!!!!) we can be grateful we have all made it through another long Winter Of Our Discontent!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Here's to Easter baskets, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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