Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A REAL Piece Of Work, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            This is Jon Thomas Ford, scion to a wealthy contracting family from Alamo Heights, Texas.  Mr. Entitlement has had all the money and privilege one could want. But there is something he could not get--a decent relationship with a woman. Since high school days, Mr. Ford had a history  of alienating women with his behavior, and reacting violently toward it.  In one case, he keyed a girl's car.  In another, he resorted to harassment.

                                               Those girls are lucky, though--they are still alive.  Which is not the case with Dana Clair Edwards, also from a wealthy area family, whom he not only bludgeoned and strangled-but--get this, loves--stomped to death her adorable Jack Russell dog, named Grit!  Grit's body was found in a nearby park a week after Dana was discovered in her apartment!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Which goes to show, dolls, that the Alex Forrests out there are not always women.  This was another case of "Fatal Attraction."  For several years, Jon and Dana had dated, but, somewhere along the way, Dana decided to end things, or at least take it down a notch.  She wanted to remain friends with Jon Thomas, but didn't think they were going anywhere, as a relationship.

                                                    Several years dating is enough to get to know the other's idiosyncrasies!!!!!!  Perhaps Dana saw too many of Jon's, which she found disturbing, did not like, so decided to back off.

                                                       Jon Thomas did not take this well, and things came to a head on December 31, 2008, when, with Dana and a group of friends, he attended a New Years Eve party.  He was hoping to reignite things with Dana, whom he had given a Christmas present to, the week before!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Dana, smart girl, would have none of it, and left the party early, which was also smart, but all this cost her her life.  After the party broke up, Jon Thomas, fueled with rage, went home, drove over to Dana's confronted her, resulting in an escalation of emotion that led to the killings of  she and Grit, on January 1, 2009!!!!!!!   A little dog, can you believe that????????  Kick Mr. Corporate Blowhard in the balls!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         He was 42, and a loser, when he committed this crime.  When he is out of prison, in 40 years, his life will be virtually over at 83.  All because Mr. Entitlement did not get what he wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!  And an innocent woman, and an even more innocent dog are dead.

                                                            You have to grieve for Dana's family.  It was heartbreaking to discover that, all through the trial, her father was carrying a backpack containing the cremated ashes of both Dana and Grit.  As if they were there both in body and spirit.  Creepy????????  Maybe!!!!!!!!!  But indicative of how strong their grief ran!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                As for Jon Thomas' family--nothing!!!!!!!!!!! One wonders what kind of upbringing he must have had, which turned him into a monster!!!!!!!!!  And a fat, ugly one, to boot!!!!!!!!!  If they are still alive, may they feel complicit in Dana's death--for what they did or did not do right with Jon Thomas resulted in how he turned out. Not too well, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  Forty years in prison?  Maybe, but better to lock him in a kennel, and have the dogs rip him to pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                      Woof, woof, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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