Sunday, April 14, 2013

Darlings, I Am Telling You, You Have GOT To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                There are so many Italian eateries in Bay Ridge, and everyone has their particular favorite that they swear by.  Though we are coming up on a year residing in Bay Ridge, there are still plenty of establishments we have to hit, so which is our favorite remains to be seen.

                                 But there is a recent contender.

                                 This past Friday, we went to Peppino's, on 77th and Third, which in not that far from us, darlings!!!!!!!!  We had tried going there last Friday, but the waiting line was practically out the  door!
We decided to come sometime on a week night, when the joint was not as hopping.  Which was fine with me.  Then, on my free Friday, Monsieur suggests we try Peppino's.  I reminded him of what happened the week before, but we prevailed, and, lo and behold, we were shown inside to a charming, semi-private, room in the back.

                                 The atmosphere at this place is classic Italian charm--plaid tablecloths, brick walls, European photos.  The service was delightful; we had the most enchanting young man, in his little red short sleeved shirt and black pants, who was so obliging, I would LOVE for him to come work for us!  But we probably could not pay him as well as Peppino's!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Girls, I am telling you, the food equals the atmosphere.  We started with a scrumptious antipasto, with the most succulent artichokes!  The bread was fresh and warm.  I had a penne casserole dish, with tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms that was filling enough on its own!  Monsieur had the standard penne with vodka sauce, and, I am telling you, he just LOVED it!  Of course, I scarfed it all down with Merlot wine, and, while I am sure the deserts would have been tempting, who could have eaten anything after the meal we had????????????

                                    Monsieur asked me if this was a good as when I went to Gino's by myself.  I told him, unequivocally, it was; and, with it being cheaper, and geographically closer, I know we are going to make more visits to Peppino's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It's a little oasis in the heart of Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And I bet Liza would love their lasagna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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