Thursday, April 25, 2013

Don't Forget To Set Your TV Recorders For Tomorrow Night, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The time has finally arrived!!!!!!!!!  Tomorrow, PBS is going to broadcast the New York Philharmonic's recent rendering of Rodgers and Hammerstein's best musical, "Carousel," starring the likes of Kelli O'Hara,  Nathan Gunn, Stephanie Blythe, and, singing Carrie Pipperidge, the Wonderful Jessie Mueller!!!!!!!!.  I will not be able to watch tomorrow, due to a weekend commitment, but I can tell you, darlings, my recorder is already set, so, when I am good and ready, I can experience the magic of this presentation.

                                             Which you don't want to miss!!!!!!!!!!  For starters, it is "Carousel!!!!!!!!!" That alone should be enough.  But with this dream cast--and the Nation being given a chance to get a look at what I have been shouting about all these months, regarding the luminous Miss Mueller--ground will be broken, and scores of viewers will be won over to this burgeoning talent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I cannot wait to hear her on "Mister Snow!"  And, oh my God, the end part of "When The Children Are Asleep!!!!!!!!!!."  I tremble, just thinking about it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  From its ominous opening notes, to the most moving  of Agnes De Mille's show ballets, to the ensemble finale at the end, "Carousel" is a work of art that gets under the skin because it touches upon, in ways few works do, the darker aspects of human nature.  It will be an evening to remember, and, for those of us, like moi, who cannot get enough of Jessie Mueller, thanks to tape,  she can be heard whenever we so desire.

                                                   Which is a good time to re-introduce the idea of "She Loves Me!"  I just found out this morning that "Nice Work If You Can Get It" will close on June 15, so what will Jessie do next?????  Why, the vehicle that will make her the star she so obviously is, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!  There has been much talk of "Funny Girl," and I, for one, would love to see Jessie do it, but I think by easing into stardom with "She Loves Me!", Jessie could pave a wider path which would allow her to do "Funny Girl."  Not to mention that "She Loves Me" contains the best score Bock and Harnick ever wrote!  And don't come after me, you Theater Queens, yelling about "Fiorello!" and 'Fiddler'!  I wouldn't turn my back on either, but they can't hold a candle to the most romantic musical ever written, which is NOT "My Fair Lady," or "A Little Night Music," darlings, but "She Loves Me!"

                                                      Only time will tell, loves.  Right now, focus on "Carousel" and Jessie as Carrie.  You will thank me, and say I was right all along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         I mean, aren't I, always?????????????????????????????


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