Thursday, April 4, 2013

Girls, I SO Relate To Little Sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 "Well, they hung my brother, before you could say,
                                                   Tracks that you saw while on your way
                                                     to Andy's house, and back that night, were mine.

                                                   And his cheatin' wife had never left town.
                                                   And that's one body that'll never be found.
                                                   See, Little Sister don't miss, when she aims her gun."
                                                          ---"The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia,"
                                                                    by Bobby Russell

                          That happens to be Kristy Mac Nichol, (remember her, loves??????) from the 1981 film version, with the same title as the song.  I can't say I relate to Kristy that much, but I sure relate to Little Sister in the song, because she was someone you did not mess with, and. honeys, neither am I!!!!!! But, then I have never used a gun to shoot anyone, though I have thought about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           But, I am telling you, what is it with the South?????????  All it seems to have are Debutantes and Tramps!!!!!!!!!!  And Andy's wife, in the song, was certainly the latter; she was so cheap she wouldn't be able to get hired at "Little Darlings" in New Orleans!!!!!!!!  Those girls have some class, I am telling you; some of them are working their way toward law degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            And you have to hand it to Bobby Russell, for simultaneously writing one of my favorite songs--this, and one I absolutely detest for both aesthetic and personal reasons--"Honey."  You have to give him points on versatility,though.

                              The part where it is discovered, in the song, that Little Sister is the killer, is my favorite moment in the song!!!!!!!!!  Makes me feel good all over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Though not good enough to walk into a snake flinging Southern Baptist church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And I know enough now, to stay out of Candletop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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