Saturday, April 13, 2013

Good Riddance To This Seventeen-Year-Old Sicko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        He is not seventeen, now, girls, but he was, back on the evening of November 26, 1998--Thanksgiving, darlings!!!!!!!-- when he entered student waitress Corey Parker's apartment, and brutally murdered her, stabbing her 101 times!

                                          Robert Erik Denney was not only Corey's next door neighbor, he had been staring at her, "Peeping Tom" fashion, through her windows at night, to, I guess, get his jollies!!!!!!!  Corey  had even told some she knew she was aware of a "Peeping Tom" watching her, but had no idea he was so close by!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           When this thing was brought to trial, and finally convicted, in 2005, he was then 24.  An older brother of his was in prison, too (in Texas!!!!!!!) --for having committed a similar murder of a girl, when he was only fifteen!!!!!!!!!!

                                             It just makes one wonder what was in those Denney boys' genes, or what kind of upbringing they must have had?  What were Mommy and Daddy like??????????

                                              Apparently, after the verdict, Denney called his mother (who was not at the trial, which says something, right there!!!!!!!!!!) and claimed he was innocent of this crime!  Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Let's face it, with boys like these, the Denneys cannot exactly be model parents.  And they must be the talk of all their neighbors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Robert got a life sentence, and apparently, so did the brother!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Not since the Menendez Brothers has there been such a rotten pair of male siblings!

                                                 Dostoevsky would have had a field day with these two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I've decided it is time for my side of this story to come out!

    1. I agree... and I feel there's a lot that needs to be looked over... also just because a sibling messes up in life does NOT mean the parents are horrible people or the brother or sister will do the same thing! I also feel that just because Patrick did slay a girl... they went after Robert because they didn't want to do their job and thought it would just make things easier to convict!!

    2. You are as guilty as sin. Rot. The facts your defence had surpressed will come out in any appeals. All gloves are off. Sick sick person.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Could you ease up a bit on the obnoxious over-use of exclamation points????????????????????????????

  3. @Seth-Watch the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine believes in exclamation
    points and shut up!!!!!!!!!

  4. @Robert E Denney-I wish you and I would have crossed paths. It would have been a different story you POS!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think this young man had inadequate attorneys and someone should look at the dna again. The way they obtained it seems suspicious in itself. Why is his brothers crime a factor? Odd.

    1. Oh that he outshined his brothers 97 stab wounds by 4, hitting his goal of 100. Who stabs people that many times unless its a sick competition. It wasnt anger, he was making a point. Also, declaring his kid was dead because he was losing it emotioally and had to get out of town and also have an excuse for why he was so fucked up emotionally. Just at the time of a murder of a girl he didnt know. He s scum. I expect him to lie, its all he has left as his shot in hell of getting out.

    2. Oh that he outshined his brothers 97 stab wounds by 4, hitting his goal of 100. Who stabs people that many times unless its a sick competition. It wasnt anger, he was making a point. Also, declaring his kid was dead because he was losing it emotioally and had to get out of town and also have an excuse for why he was so fucked up emotionally. Just at the time of a murder of a girl he didnt know. He s scum. I expect him to lie, its all he has left as his shot in hell of getting out.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. How the heck can you say you are innocent when your DNA matched perfectly the DNA found in the form of blood and hair at the crime scene. Plus if you knew you were innocent then why didn't you just give up your DNA when you were in Easton in order to clear your name ? Plus what kind of person goes around saving his soft drink cups and placing his cigarette butts in his ears ? You obviously had something to hide dude. You're as guilty as they get and you belong exactly where you are. Which is where you are going to rot for the rest of your life and rightfully so; then after that I hope you rot in hell for what you did - you sick POS

  9. Seriously? Carrying cigarette butts in your pocket? Nasty little coward. Obviously, no one planted your DNA at the crime scene. They had to spend major bucks of TAXPAYERS' MONEY trying to get it through surveillance. Now we've got to pay for you to live another 60 years. You should suffer an eye for an eye turd.

    1. Wait wait. I pick up my butts when i put them out and throw them in the nearest trash can because they take FOREVER to become biodegradable... I doubt thats why he did it but some people do it for different reasons

  10. So that you're aware, Robert Denney's case has been reopened. It was found out that the police as well as the States Attorney lied and tampered with evidence as well as witnesses. You can check out the re-opening on the Duval County Court Dockets. Please note; the defense recently filed a Brady motion. Do you know what that is? If not, look it up.

    As for Robert; he has been fighting a never ending battle of epic proportions that I don't expect anyone to truly be able to empathize with, really, on any level. There can however, be a greater understanding of what is really going on before passing judgment.

    As for Robert's family; his mother didn't show up to the trial because she was battling breast cancer. Robert Denney's parents loved him very much a died three months apart from one another in 2011. Yes, he did have an older brother that slayed a woman, but Robert was 9 years old at the time. The older brother had nothing to do with Robert. His family was torn to pieces because of the older brother, but that didn't make them dysfunctional or unloving of Robert. They fought for him until the day they died.

    While I don't expect anything other than a witty or down-right irresponsible and heartless reply from you, Queen, I do know this; at the end of the day, when all is said and done and the world is quiet; even you reflect. So please reflect on this:

    Slandering the family and the dying parents of a wrongfully convicted man is not only distasteful, but purely blasphemous. Slandering a wrongfully convicted man to obtain a fan base is not only the former in mentioning, but it's evil. However, that being said, how you behave is on your shoulders, not mine. My job is to fight for Robert.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey Mr Denney - let's take your brother out of the picture for a second. The police started to focus on Robert Denney because some of his co-workers came forward with the lead about him fabricating the story about his bogus dead child and the fact that he lived in the aprtmapar with a clear view of his victim and that he had told some coworco-wo that he watched Corey and masturbated to what he saw. So even if your brother had never existed, the authorities would still have consudecon you a viable suspect. The information about your brother was not found out until the interviewed Denneys sister. So the inflinforma about the brother only added fuel to the fire and was not the key reason the focussed on you. So quit your whining - the evidence is there and is powerfully against you - you're a pathetic POS who needs to stop lying and accept responsibility

  11. Honey, I never said you had no right to do your job;
    you have to go with what you believe, and so do I. And
    you are right, I reflect on many things, but as certain as
    you re of this mann's innocence, I am of his guilt. And until
    any satisfactory evidence is presented to change that, I will
    stand by my beliefs, darling, as you will by yours.

    As for those upset over the !!!!!"S Darlings, it's
    just my gimmick!
    Kisses, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Queen, do you have a private email? Also, how are you SURE of his guilt? Were you in the courtroom? Did you know either family? Were you privy to information outside of what the media had to offer? I'm curious your information and your SURETY of this man's guilt. Because, I can tell you that they don't reopen cases for fun or If there isn't reasonable doubt.


  13. I have my certainty, darling! That is enough!

  14. She was a sweetheart and my next door neighbor growing up in rochester ny. 101 times makes you a complete sickooo. No one cares about you, you closed that door many years ago as you were trying to emulate your sick brother. Wrong role model. Rot.

    1. EXACTLY BOB!! And I'm so sorry for your loss...RIP SWEET COREY💔💔

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Why go through extraordinary lengths to deny the Police a sample of your DNA? When the son of his boss threw a plastic bag containing his cigarette ends into a dumpster he freaked out and retrieved them, that and his shameful story about his need to visit Texas and the damaging statements made by his sister not to mention the lighter id'd by his ex all make powerful circumstantial evidence. He claims innocence yet he didn't take his opportunity to speak to the jury as an innocent man surely would.


  17. Most likely his attorneys advised him no to, as they knew he would not be believed!

  18. Robert didn't deny them DNA. As a matter of fact, he offered it and asked for an attorney, but was told he couldn't have one. He even signed a document stating that he wanted an attorney, but was denied. He never hid from anyone. The lighter wasn't his. The girlfriend lied. His actual lighter was sent to the public defenders office by his mother. The lighter found at the crime scene didn't have his DNA or his finger prints on it. As far as Denneys one ABSOLUTELY NO ONE in the ENTIRETY of Denneys family agrees with her. In fact, until Denneys parents died, they fought for him, his other sister continues to fight for him and so do many others. Roberts blog has all of the information and his case has been opened due to the lies and tampering. You can all believe whatever you want, but knowing both sides is imperative. Also, a lot of the documents I've spoken of are public record. Take a look sometime. Also, someone else admitted to having committed the crime, but the states attorney with held that information for at least three years. I'm not saying anymore. I just ask that each one of you look at the actual documents available and make a truly educated decision. I'm not saying anymore. And I refuse to continue debating. There have been questions and now there are answers.

    1. Denney admitted to his father in a phone call that was taped from the jail that he did it. So what do you have to say about that?

    2. Deny deny deny and lie lie lie its the only chance he has of getting out.

  19. It's just a matter of what answers one chooses to accept, darling!

  20. Don't you just hate it when a court of law and a jury trial of one's peers finds you guilty? When it happens, the guilty party screams, set-up!, unfair trial!, and continues on trying to discredit the LAW!, their legal representation! or lack thereof! What kind of insane lunatic would commit this kind of crime, the same kind who screams he is innocent, had an unfair trial, and was set-up. The kind who will never, ever admit his guilt because the crime is so heinous, so egregious, so outside the norms of societal mores. Go on keep screaming your innocence Denney, you are still behind bars and will always be, but go on, we could care less. You are now where you belong which thankfully keeps the innocents such as us safe, and when you come out of those bars, you will enter another world where appropriate punishment is vetted by a higher, much more powerful entity than earthly law. Enjoy your bread and water.

  21. Hmm... I wonder if "Denneys Advocate" is actually Robert Denney? Could that be? Could a worthless, lying murderer be posting in his own defense because there is no one else on the planet who believes his cock-a-maimee BS? I wonder... I just wonder.

    1. Wow - I think you have a legitimate point - maybe he is pretending to be his advocate. And the crap about he offered to give up his DNA is just that - utter CRAP !!! He had his chance to give up his DNA while being investigated for a bogus crime in Easton and refused. Plus why fabricate the story of the deadh child ? Because you need to get out of town since you know you are guilty. This POS belongs exactly where he is - plain and simple and should throw in the towel.


  22. I wonder the same thing. But what good would posting on here do him?

  23. Well, the sick mind of a pathological liar looks for any validation it can. Even if that validation must be made up by the very mind that seeks it.

  24. People think the DNA should be looked at again, but how do you explain a young person who is innocent taking his office trash and cigarette butts home every day and purposely not giving up a DNA sample to police. He spent years covering his tracks. Also the lie about the dead child to get out of town because he was freaking out that the police were going to get him after the murder. He was also peeping on his own sister. Yes he doesn't like prison -- that's too bad -- he should be sitting on death row.

  25. I agree with Seth. Way too many exclamation marks. Puts me off reading your post, and it going in and making any sense. Can't concentrate!


  26. That's interesting, because I hardly notice them, when I write! As stated elsewhere on here, it is just my gimmick!


  27. Hey POS Denney, your filthy DNA was found in her underwear. How, pray tell, did your hair get in her underwear? You had never set foot in her apartment, right? Had never met her, right? How did your hair get in her panties, you sicko murderous POS? Explain that, and don't spout your BS about how two crime labs didn't know how to test for DNA--they both conclusively determined the DNA was uniquely yours. And it's not like you cooperated in providing your DNA, scumbag. And how are you allowed access to a computer to post your drivel all over the internet, anyway, either under the fake guise of "Denneys Advocate" or your own name? You should be reported to the prison warden for violating the rules and thrown in the hole for a few years to straighten you out on that so you're not able to inflict yourself on the public. STFU, scumbag, and count your blessings that the prosecution didn't seek the death penalty and that the state will have to keep your sorry incarcerated ass alive until you die, because if ever there was a case for the death penalty this is it. And it should be death by 101 stab wounds; lethal injection would be too good for you. Crawl back under your rock and rot, you sick POS. And just so you know, you are the one who's pure concentrated evil; calling anyone else "evil" is what the shrinks would call projection, sicko. I hope you off yourself. Thanks for your post, Raving Queen!!!!!!! Appropriate title!!!!!!!!


  28. You're welcome! This scum deserves to be locked away forever, and if it turned out he got the death penalty, I wouldn't feel bad about it!


  29. Who are you calling white trash, darling! I was
    the child of suburban affluence, and don't you forget it!


  30. I have no doubt he did it. The rest is an act that all these types are skilled at.


  31. Mr. Farrell,

    Just what is your problem, dear?
    Go drink some chamomile tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  32. Mary,
    I am with you all the way!
    Thanks for your comment.


  33. Rick,

    Thanks for your comment. I too
    maintain he is as guilty as sin,
    and is where he belongs. If free,
    he would certainly kill again!

  34. Denneys Advocate: With respect I think I wouldn't want you as my advocate 'cos of some pretty strange things you assert:

    1 it's entirely irrelevant that Denney's "been fighting an epic battle" - not that you say about what, but I presume you mean over his guilt. If he's guilty, so what? How many guilty people fight for release from prison?;

    2 there is no moral obligation on the public to 'understand before passing judgement' as judgement has already been passed on their behalf by the court! You don't seem to understand this...;

    3 that the parents - and I feel sorry for them - supported him is wholly irrelevant to his guilt or innocence (as it would be if they hadn't: blind love is what parents do (like Bundy's mother did for years... until he confessed his crimes a few days before execution;

    4 there cannot be 'slander' if he's guilty - and the law says he is (not that it couldn't be wrong);

    5 as of July '18 his appeals have failed. Is he still innocent??? This scumbag is right where he belongs;

    6 nothing you say in your first post has any bearing on his alleged innocence: it's the waffle of a desperate defence lawyer.


  35. Marcus,

    I second all you say.
    Most defense lawyers are
    pretty desperate, anyway!

  36. Reminds me of Drew Planten, he was a very shy peeper too, also seemed very geeky and docile. The shy ones who have never had any interest from women seem to attack with such rage. They may not fit the typical image of a big bad murderer but sometimes these little men are the most brutal. Often have a porn addiction too, and cannot understand women in any other way.

  37. Three's A Crowd,

    All your observations are valid.
    But there can be exceptions, most
    noteworthy Ted Bundy, who could have
    landed anyone!

    BTW, for my interest, who is/was
    Drew Planten?


  38. Anonymous,
    You are right; there are hoards of white
    dicks, and he surely is getting his right

  39. I loved all your comments especially about Robert being his own advocate. Did his family ever speak publicly on his behalf? Did any family or friends ever try to defend him. He is really detailed in his blogs and just trys too hard to justify every single detail. He has a defense about everything. Nothing he says has gotten him out of prison thus far. He has stuck to the lie this long, he cant back down now.


  40. Unknown,

    As far as I am aware--and I could
    be wrong--no friends or family have
    come forward in defense of Robert.
    I don't blame them; how can one
    justify someone who is so sick?

  41. The guilty always say they didn't do it. He obviously did, like other people have said, he kept his DNA away from the police, why? Guilty!!!


  42. Nettie,

    I agree with you, but I would like
    to know how he kept his DNA away from
    the police!

  43. Raving Queen

    He kept cigarette butts and took his trash home with him after work

  44. "The guilty always say they didn't do it." Wrong - and some innocent say they did.

    However, Danny's almost certainly guilty.

    He was savvy about avoiding his DNA being taken - perhaps having seen cop shows - but was caught by being seen by police surveillance to spit on a sidewalk, which was collected and analysed. That DNA was found on the victim and at the crime scene (victim's apt). Having said he'd never entered the apt, he was caught out. He couldn't explain why his DNA was on her. And it just happens that he could see her bedroom window from his apt, suggesting to police that he spied on her for a time before striking.

    Why did he go to lengths to avoid his DNA being taken (having remarked to police that he knew they were trying to get it indirectly following his refusal)? Why refuse if you're innocent?

    I will state that the fact his brother's imprisoned for murder is irrelevant - it being offered as an instance of 'copycat' slaying. A murderous sibling may be just as offputting to repetition - look what happened to HIM! - as encouraging of it...


  45. Unknown,

    You agree with Maurice, that's fine.
    However, I am no one's advocate, nor
    am I a DA or lawyer. I have nowhere
    near the credentials, and am not
    interested in pursuing those, now!


  46. Unknown,

    Thanks for that love, darling!
    The same to you!


  47. Unknown,
    Your reasoning is sound.
    Denney's is justifiably suspicious!

    Thanks for sharing!

  48. Marcus, I'm talking the majority of cases that are made public

    Sociopaths with rarely, if ever, admit their guilt


  49. Nettie,
    You are absolutely right on that last point!


  50. Unknowns,
    I agree with all who say this guy
    is guilty. May he he remain
    imprisoned for life!


  51. Unknown,
    Are you talking to me, dear?
    I would watch my tone on here, or
    I will really fire back!


  52. Denney is a sociopath. The DNA evidence was collected properly and was not contaminated. Denney tried to claim his cat could have wandered not her apartment and that’s how his DNA got there. Good luck with that one. He will be in jail for the rest of his miserable life. The Raving Queen- there’s an episode of Forensic Files about Drew Planten. It’s called Calclated Coincidence, I think. Drew Planten is creepier than Robert Denney. I think. It would be fun to debate that. They are both as creepy as it gets. But you should look into Drew Planten. We’ll see how many ????? And !!!!! use for that guy.


  53. Unknown,
    Thanks for your comments.
    I never heard of Drew Planten.
    I will look into him!

  54. Sadly, my computer skills are so poor, I can’t even figure out how to insert a screen name where “unknown” is all that identifies me. I really did try. It’s not that I’m incompetent. I just didn’t grow up in a world where any of it even remotely existed. In any case, what is most important, are the victims. Stephanie Bennett is one of his victims. The investigation of her murder led investigators to another victim: Rebecca Huismann. I’m sure you will do your homework so I’ll leave it there.


  55. Unknown,
    Don't worry about a thing. My skills aren't
    as great as one would think. Just feel free
    to comment anytime. I will look into these


  56. You must make your mom and dad real proud! It's good that the whole family will be altogether throughout eternity in satan's little there may be her car vital little niche so the 4 of you can all just play house together. Rot you piece of #%@&$%#

  57. Christopher said,
    They did find unknown sperm on her bedspread. That’s because she was beautiful, had lovers, and would never stoop so low as to sleep with Robert Denney. And that’s why butt stains like Denney Murder pretty girls. You can murder lots of pretty girls in your dreams in jail, Robert. I wonder why you didn’t leave some of your own sperm, Robert? Couldn’t get it up? Corey grabbed your nuts before you killed her!!!!!!! All those !!!!!s do feel good. All my love to TRQ!!!!!

  58. Dumbed Down Dharma,
    Thank you for the comments. I do hope Corey grabbed his nuts! He deserved it!
