Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How Many Out There Are Old Enough To Remember "Joanne???????"

                                                  "Her name was Joanne,
                                                   And she lived in a meadow, by a pond.
                                                   And she touched me for a moment,
                                                     with a look that spoke to me of her sweet love.
                                                   Then the woman that she was
                                                      drove her on in desperation,
                                                    And I saw as she went a most hopeless situation,
                                                    For Joanne, and the man, and the time that made them both run."
                                                         -----"Joanne," by Michael Nesmith

                                 The things that lie buried in your consciousness.  I was fiddling around on Saturday, with YouTube, when, suddenly, a reference to this song appeared, and I gave it a listen.  What a flood of memories it brought back.

                                   When I grew up, maybe because my parents were of the Depression Generation, there was a radio in our house, and it was on from the time we arose till we went to bed.  I was exposed to much, including music, and there were some songs that were so arresting, I would just stop in my tracks, whenever they would play, and listen.

                                      "Joanne" was one of those songs.  It had a sweetness to it, (almost like a male "Frank Mills")  but with a slight country twang.  The big deal, at the time, was that the writer and performer was Michael Nesmith, aka Mike of  The Monkees, and who would have thought he could have composed something this pretty, or had the voice for it????????????

                                        Mike's rendition of "Joanne" is indelible.  The excerpt I saw on YouTube had him performing it live, in concert, oh, maybe 20 some years ago, when he was in his fifties.  As soon as he began, there was applause from the audience; there are those out there who remember this, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  I was amazed he was still able to reach, and hold those high notes.  I was stopped in my tracks once again, and brought back, for the moment, to my period of youthful innocence.

                                         And now I have been incorporating it, singing it for myself. It works well with my voice, though I have to breath properly in order to successfully hold those high notes.  The passage of Time, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           If you remember "Joanne," I want to hear from you; tell me!!!!!!!!!!! If not, discover this enchanting, almost forgotten gem, for yourselves, and be as captivated as I was at the time!!!!!!!!!!

                                            How could one not be (captivated, that is) by someone who lived in a meadow by a pond????????????????

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