Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Bit Sad, Darlings, But Ends On A Note Of Hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Arthur Opp, of Park Slope, Brooklyn, could become literature's best known obese character, since Ignatius Riley in "A Confederacy Of Dunces."  The difference is Arthur is also an agoraphobe; he is not out and about in his world, as Ignatius is.

                                           At least, he is not, when  first encountered.  But a curious conglomeration of  circumstances forces him to shed that isolation.  "Heft" brings together a very unlikely group--Arthur, Charlene Keller, a former student, Kel Keller, her son, AND an ex-husband named the same, Yolanda, an Hispanic housekeeper, and next door neighbors, the Dales.  What happens to some is sad, often tragic, and there is heartache along the way; at times, I wanted to put the book down, but Liz Moore's skillful writing, plus her ability to create compelling characters forced me to stay my course. Which is good, because the novel, which some may feel ends on too abrupt a note, leaves room for hope and good things to come out of what has gone before.

                                           Miss Moore's ability to write in such disparate male voices--an obese, middle-aged academician and agoraphobe, and a teenage boy, plus her ability to keep in focus less major players as the Dales, Lindsay and her family, the Cohens, indicates she is a writer of insight and promise.  I truly wanted "Heft" to continue after it ended, and I found myself wondering  what will happen to some of its characters, after I closed the book.

                                           The title has multiple meanings--Arthur's weight, the burdens put upon its characters, and in turn, us, by Life--yet it is not a hefty volume.  There is no verbal wastage here.  Which helps make this a book that will remain in the consciousness for some time to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Only, please PLEASE, do NOT have Harvey Fierstein do the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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