Sunday, May 12, 2013

Darlings, Sofia's Saved The Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Well, girls, Monsieur and I finally did have our anniversary celebration last night!!!!!!!  Things may not have gone as they planned, but worked out for the best!!!!!!!!

                                            Here is what happened.  We both had our hearts, and stomachs, set on dining at Chadwick's, the romantic spot, where, in November, and then again, in January, we celebrated both our birthdays.  So, we decided between us that Chadwick's would be perfect for our anniversary.

                                              Yesterday, I called Chadwick's, first, to see if we could get in for an early meal.  I discovered that between the hours of three and five, the place closes down.  Good to know, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I was also told that, since we were a party of two, reservations were not needed; only for parties of five and more!!!!  Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then I was told to arrive between five thirty and five forty five.  Guess their cleanup was expected to take longer.  I had no problem with that.

                                               So, around five yesterday, following a torrential, but brief, rain storm, which darkened things between four and four thirty so much, I thought it was eight at night, we set out for Chadwick's.  We walked the thirteen blocks from our apartment, stopping in various shops and markets along the way!  You know how hard it is to keep Monsieur from popping in and out of stores.  Like me, with books!

                                                 Finally, we arrived at Chadwick's, walked in, and got a real, rude awakening!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  The place was packed!!!!!!!!!!  There were throngs of people in line; at first, I thought they were all having drinks at the bar.  We walked up to the maitre'd,  (the same gent I spoke with on the phone) who informed us there would be a forty five minute wait (!!!!!!) because the restaurant just filled up half an hour ago!!!!!!!!

                                                     I just looked at him with total incredulousness.  All he could say was, "Sorry, guys!" and we walked away!  Yeah, right!  I was so shocked I was at a loss for words, but, believe me, if I hadn't been, I would have done a Reese Witherspoon, right on the spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     "Do you know my name?  DO you know my name?  Well, you are about to find out who I am!"

                                                        Of course, loves, if this had happened, and he did ask, I would unequivocally have responded--"The Raving Queen!"

                                                          Whereupon, I just know, forks would have dropped, heads would have turned, the place would have gone silent, the maitre'd would have trembled, and the next words I heard would have been--"Right this way, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                           Do you hear me, Chadwick's??????????  So, read this, and take note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Now, I know it was Mother's Day weekend, so Chadwick's is not entirely to blame.  But there is no excuse for fuzzy information!!!!!!!!  Had we arrived earlier, which should have been suggested, we might have gotten a seat.  And Chadwick's would have gotten our patronage!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Sweeties, I stormed out of there, like a Grade A bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             So, there the two of us were, out on the street--on the street,darlings!!!!! Just one step up from being Fantine!!!!!!!!!--contemplating what we were going to do.  My beloved was so sweet; he said even if we went to McDonald's, it would be a celebration!  Which is lovely, I know, but do do you think I would allow that to happen??????  To him????????  To ME???????????

                                                              Suddenly, I was inspired.  Along the way, we passed this Italian restaurant, Sofia's, that we have been meaning to try.  Very elegant; the kind of place perfect for special occasions!!!!!!!!  I suggested that, and off we went.

                                                                Now, remember, both of us were hungry, at this point.  When we got to Sofia's, some large party must have just broken up!  It was clear we would get a seat, but the very nice owner said we would have a fifteen minute wait.  Which pissed me off, but only because of what we had gone through at Chadwick's.  However, I could clearly see the staff--and the owner , too!!!--pitching in to turn the main dining area back into its original configuration.  I held it in, because they were all very nice, and I knew what happened here was no one's fault; just our timing.  Which turned out all right, because, shortly, we were shown to our seats.

                                                               Maybe Chadwick's called on ahead, to warn them!  Because the staff at Sofia's could not have been more accommodating, friendly, and attentive.

                                                                 Of course, I know what you are waiting for, hons--how was the food?  Wonderful!  We started with a cold antipasto, which included some beans, which made it distinctive.
Monsieur had a wonderful red snapper, in tomato sauce, which he said was superb.  Since I was savoring my Merlot, I decided to go easy on the red stuff, by having their Linguine In White Clam Sauce, and, darlings, they did a superb job with that.  For desert, Monsieur had a dish of chocolate and pastacchio ice cream, while I had a light and lovely platter of luscious cream puffs, arranged on my plate, just like "The Village Of Crean Puffs," in James Thurber's story of the same name.  With Wing Tip, The Spick!  Never forget Wing Tip, The Spick, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     And we will never forget, and are eternally grateful to, Sofia's for a lovely evening, saving us from  anniversary celebration disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                      You hear that, Chadwick's???????????  Do you know my name??????????????????


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