Thursday, May 16, 2013

It Had To Happen Sooner Or Later, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   I had no doubt this day was coming for a long time, but I wanted to be the first to share it with all my girls.  The word on the street is that there is going to be a film version of the Sondheim musical, "Into The Woods."  It is going to be directed by Rob Marshall, who did not do such a bad job with "Chicago," but the scuttlebutt is Disney has some hand in the production, so I worry that it is going to be sanitized, and the material tampered with even worse than in last summer's Delacorte production!!!!!!!!

                                                   Now, it has been known for a long while the Meryl Streep--that is, the Divine MERYL, darlings, is going to play the Witch, and who could find fault with that???????  Johnny Depp has been mentioned for a role, though I do not know what.  I can only hope that Amy Adams, better costumed, will play the Baker's Wife.  But the REAL news of the day, dears, is that, signed on to play one of the Princes is none other than a Prince we all love--Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Now, unless they change things, I don't think he and MERYL  are going to have any scenes, but, technically, it puts them as working together!!!!!!!!!  Didn't I tell you, sweeties?????  It also means that Jake gets a crack at that gorgeous Sondheim duet, "Agony."  Can he handle such a thing?  I think he can, especially after conquering the New York stage as he did, last season.  And I for one cannot wait to hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Hey, maybe--and listen up, producers!!!!!!--Jessie Mueller, again better costumed than at the Delacorte, will do Cinderella.  But, with my luck, they will probably end up with someone like Emma Stone or Taylor Swift!!!!!!!!!!!!  In which case this 'Woods' is sure to burn down!

                                                       But, there is some promise, with the prospect of MERYL  and Jake!!!! So stay tuned for more news;  as soon as it comes in, I will dish it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          What a dish that Jake Gyllenhaal is, darlings!!!!!!!!!! You damn well better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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