Monday, May 6, 2013

No League Of Their Own, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      What a motley crew we have before us, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Where the hell is Geena Davis??????  Or Madonna???????????  This group looks like they could use their help!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Baseball is really not the subject here, but while discoursing, let me explain that this is the Independent Softball Team for radio station WNYC.  Now, the subject I am concerned with is the gentleman, crouched down, center.  The big, burly one, who, among girls we know well, darlings, would be referred to as a bear.

                                          This bear happens to be Lance Luckey (is that a stage name, or what????) and, while he is at WNYC, he free lances a lot. This morning, much to my consternation, Carrie Nolan was still away on WQXR. which meant I had to get my morning news from him.  Not quite the same as Carrie, and I, for one, am here to say I want her back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But these guys!!!!!!!!!!! Honeys, if this is a softball team, then I should be a soloist with the New York City Ballet!!!!!!!!!!!!  I bet their winning record does not add up to a 200, which you get (or used to) automatically, just by filling out your name on the SAT form!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Now, I really have nothing against Lance.  He does have a nice voice, but it's just not the same without Carrie Nolan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't know if Carrie is ill or on vacation, but I am telling you, she had better come back, and come back soon!!!!!!!!!!!  How, otherwise, am I to get out of bed???????????

                                                And I have to wonder--hey, Lance, with a name like that, how often do you get......."lucky????????" (Wink! Wink!)

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