Monday, May 6, 2013

Not Quite A Sunday Sur La Grande Jatte, Darlings, But Pretty Darn Close!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Girls, I am telling you, it has been ages since I have been to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens--I think the last time was when I first lived in Brooklyn--but yesterday, like Dolly Levi returning to the Harmonia, I made my way back to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, joined by my beloved Monsieur, those two wild and crazy kids, Dan and Norma, and the even wilder and crazier Florence!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It was a picture perfect day, fit to be painted.  The scene above, made me feel as though I were in an outtake from Alain Resnais' "Last Year At Marienbad," a film I still cannot understand.  The colors of the floral displays were just dazzling, and the nice breeze helped our being out in the sun a lot. I think the last time I was here was sometime during a summer, when it was, of course, sizzling!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Monsieur found a wonderful picture poesy plant, fit for our dining table, and the afternoon was so tranquil and relaxing, the hours flew by!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And would you believe, amidst all this foliage, my allergies did not kick up once??????  Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Of course, the Japanese gardens are still my favorite, where one could feel as though walking in an exotic paradise.  Or at least bring back one's memories of a geisha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This is the place to visit, dolls!!!!!!!!!!  This was easily discernible by the weekend crowds.  I bet the weekdays offer a more contemplative, meditation experience.

                                       And the Brooklyn Museum is right nearby, for those who want to see indoor exhibitions. I have got to come back here, and see the Sargent exhibit.

                                        But I warn you--bring something to eat, because there is nothing nearby, and the cafe prices are outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I wouldn't be surprised if Sister Camille has been seen here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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