Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Now, Here Is A Genuine Tragedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Like the saying goes, girls, you can't make this shit up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Robb and Kelli Phillips were young, in love, and had dreams.  At least, Robb did--of becoming a country and western music star. Wonder if he had ever seen Altman's "Nashville?????"

                                              The couple, from South Carolina and California, respectively, met and fell in love.  Robb had enough talent to ply his trade among local night spots, but he was centered on the Big Time,which meant Opryland USA, Nashville.  In early 1994, they headed there, hoping to fulfill Robb's dream.  It ended their lives.

                                                Now, maybe they weren't the most astute folk out there.  They had previously been embroiled in a scam, where a guy, posing as a record producer, offered Robb a contract and gigs in Mexico.  They ended up returning earlier than planned, because this scam artist held Robb at gunpoint, threatening to kill Robb if he did not cough up four thousand dollars. A tearful Kelli had to have her family wire the money.

                                                 This naivete worked against them, fatally, the night of March 7, 1994.  Having arrived in Nashville, they checked into this shabby motel, that, still living off memories of better days, advertised as "where the stars stay."  They headed out to a night spot, holding a talent contest, and Robb got a chance to perform in Nashville.  Meanwhile, this older guy, plops himself down next to Kelli, eyeing her lasciviously, coming on strong about Robb's talent, and how he, a, record producer, could sign him on.

                                                     If only the inexperienced couple had not believed him. Because this "producer" turned out to be Tom Steeples, by day one of the city's most successful businessmen, owner of his own computer company; by night an avaricious crack addict and sexual predator.  Tom had no ear for Robb's talent, only a desire to get into Kelli's pants.  When he knocked, later that evening, on the couple's motel room door, a nightmare followed.  Robb was tied up, then killed, while Kelli was in the bathroom. When she came out, she saw Robb's bloodied body, and was raped and killed by Steeples.  This scum then went on the lam.  And his wife Tillie Ruth, covers for her husband, simply to ride the gravy train that keeps her in the style to which she is accustomed.  Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!  Even when imprisoned, she sends him a "gift package," containing--guess what?--cocaine!!!!!!!!!!  I am amazed it got to Steeples in prison..

                                                      You know what happened??? This coward, not wanting to face a trial, or a prison term, took that coke and OD'd!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That is right, darlings, he committed suicide!!!!!!!!!!!! On the one hand, good riddance!!!!!!!!!!!  On another, Robb and Kelli's families were denied the justice they deserved.

                                                       At least that rotten Tillie Ruth got imprisoned for her participation, too!!!!!

                                                         I have no doubt the souls of Robb and Kelli  still cry out in the darkness of the Nashville night.  Two nice kids, killed in pursuit of a dream!!!!!!!!!!!  I have seldom heard something so tragic!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Listen to me, girls!!!!!!!!!!  If some big, strong, thing comes along, with promises of making you a star, DO NOT believe it for a minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It could spell trouble of all sorts--the worst being the kind Robb and Kelli faced--for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            You wanna be a star, darlings?????????  Nothing wrong with that!!!!!!!!!  Do it the way Barbra Streisand did it--

                                                                              BARGE RIGHT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How did you hear about this? Robbie Phillips is my dad.

    1. I'm so sorry. I am watching a TV show called ID maybe she got it from there cause the whole info was there. Your father was a very talented great man.

  2. Where did you get the information about the trip to Mexico? The TV program on Discovery ID only said that Rob came back early from what was supposed to be a music gig and would not talk about it. Where did you learn it was a ransom lure?
    Did not know he had a previous marriage or children either.

    1. They mentioned Mexico on the TV show on Discovery ID.

    2. Yeah I'm watching it now about how they went to Mexico so she's right.

  3. I read up on things after watching the program on ID!


  4. Did not see the Discovery program. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Try to use only ONE Exclamation Point at the end of your sentences.


  6. Michael,

    Point taken. The exclamation
    is a gimmick I adopted. This post
    was written five years ago, so I am
    not surprised there were so many.
    Today, while used, I am more judicious
    about them

    Thanks for reading, and sharing!

    1. When you write as passionate as you feel- you use those multiple exclamation points!!! Carry on!! So many more horrible things.

  7. Ummm...I'll use multiple exclamation points!!! I think Tillie is as pathetic as her husband was!!! Hope she lost every penny she ever had! 6 years for bailing out and saving her husband from the justice he deserved for MURDERING at least 3 people, if not more, is sick sick sick!!! Makes me so angry.


  8. Unknown,
    I agree with you about Tillie.

  9. That tillie woman got paroled after couple yrs, then started a securities fraud company with some 70 yr old con artist and she drew 70 months fed time in 2005..

  10. She used a phony name to help run this securities company cause she was convicted felon for bringin the cocaine in so her serial killer husband, tom steeples cud commit suicide in jail.. Lol.. Hard to make this shit up.. Lord.. Lol..


  11. Cm,

    Looks like Tillie never
    changed her leopard spots!


  12. Deanastan,

    Thank you for your supportive
    comments. Feel free to drop in
    here, anytime!

  13. What a tragedy. I watched the story as an episode in 'Last night in' on Realtime TV yesterday. A young man with a great voice sent to early death.


  14. Chinenye Igwegbe,

    I agree with you one hundred per cent.
