Monday, May 13, 2013

Some Things I Forgot To Mention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So emotionally charged, darlings, was I with trying to convey the brilliance that was the Philharmonic's "Carousel," I neglected to include visual examples. So here they are, starting, with, of course, the staging concept for this presentation, which, while limited, captured the piece perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                       Next, can be seen, below, the radiance of Jessie Mueller as Carrie.  I only wish this blog had an audio track, so I could supply you with an excerpt of her exquisite voice, demonstrating, as I have said, that she is the next thing to watch in musical theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Damn!  I wanted this to go chronologically!  Above Jessie, now, can be seen Tiler Peck and Robert Fairchild  in the celebrated "Carousel Ballet," executed with all the poetry one might expect from this most compelling musical theater piece.

                                             Lastly, we have the curtain call.  See Jessie in the middle, with Nathan and Kelli, to her left???????  My apologies for this not coming out the way I wanted, so what I suggest is--read the text first, then scan down and proceed to examine the photos from the bottom up, for the show in its chronological form.

                                                 You may not want to dig for clams after seeing this, darlings, but you will
have never witnessed a more fulfilling representation of this work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  And don't be afraid to use those tissues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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