Monday, June 17, 2013

Darlings, This Should Be Something To See!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Girls, I have been meaning to talk about this for some time, but, as you are aware, so much has been happening on here of late, it just about slipped my mind.  And, with opening night only two nights away, I realized I  had better get busy.

                                     Take the two most quirky actors in the world--in the WORLD, darlings!!!!!!--combine them with Tennessee Williams, and this should be a recipe for a hoot of an evening in the theater.

                                       The actors in question are Amanda Plummer and Brad Dourif!!!!!!!!!!  Need I say more, loves?????????  The vehicle is the hardly ever seen work by Williams, "The Two Character Play," which even I have heard of, but have never read or seen performed.  And, with this cast, do you think I am going to miss this????????  To get any quirkier, you would have to go with Charles Busch and Lypsinka!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The way I understand it, the play involves an actor and actress, who may or may not really be a brother and sister, playing siblings in a play, but who are stuck in some sort of theatrical time-space continuum.  Which is all I know. The rest is up to Amanda and Brad, and honeys, if you want to see
facial tics and mannerisms aplenty, this will surely be the top ticket in town for that.

                                       A whole generation of young, aspiring actors, can learn, in one performance, what one should or should not do, when  it comes to acting.  It will save them years of money on acting classes.

                                        I would not miss this for the world. Unfortunately, Amanda has had to cancel some preview performances, due to a leg injury.  Let's wish her a speedy recovering and get the indescribable Miss Plummer back onstage, pronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Maybe her understudy should be Mink Stole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. As I recall, this was originally titled Outcry and played in London years ago with Michael York. I hate to say this, but most of Williams' later work is pure crap. But I keep going to them, because it's STILL Williams!


  2. I agree, but this is so often done, and with these two is worth it. I saw that revival of "Orpheus Descending" years back. One could say the same about that play. Though bad TW is better than many at their best.

    I could be shot for saying this, but I do not fall on my knees over Vanessa Redgrave. When she is suited for something, she does well. 'Orpheus' did not suit her.

    Then there was Kevin Anderson. I should have squeezed him in somewhere in that post I did on midget actresses. I have seen him play Val, John Buchanan in "Summer And Smoke" and Doc Delaney in "Come Back, Little Sheba." I don't get how he gets all this work, or how he is seen in these he-man roles!!!!!!
