Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy Gay Pride, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Can you believe it, darlings??????????  After today, we are halfway through 2013!!!!!!!!!!  Where did the time go??????????

                               First, a Happy Birthday, to my friend, Audrey,, whose birthday it actually is today. She is the mother of the super-charged Ruby, and while I missed the official party yesterday, I know Miss Ruby has something special planned today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And Happy Gay Pride Sunday, to all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!  Did you kick off the festivities last night, with Channel 13's airing of 'Baby Jane???????'  I missed it, because a group of us were in the Village last night, dining at the Cowgirls Hall Of Fame, and let me tell you, the joint was jumping!  Plenty of real cuties out and about.  We actually left our friend, Mike to the wolves (at his request!!!!!!!!).  Hope he woke up OK, and that all his dreams came true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But another Pride, coming right after DOMA!!!!!!!!!!  We Shall Overcome, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, to an extent, we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Right On, Angela Davis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Bet that big old closet queen, Al Sharpton, puts on the cast album of  "Purlie!," and acts out Melba Moore singing "I Got Love!" Sweeter than a flower, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  However you celebrate today--even if you are NOT gay--this is one day where fashion faux pas are a No No!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Dress loud and proud, darlings!!!!!!!!!  I prefer Schiaparelli on special occasions!!!!!!!!

                                     And don't let it rain  on YOUR parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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