Friday, June 7, 2013

I Am Telling You, Girls!!!!!!!!! It Is Because She Has Fabulous Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Now, darlings, first I have to say, I love Lauren Weisberger as a writer, and I have read a number of her books.  I have not gotten around yet to reading "Last Night At The Chateau Marmont,"  (which is where I would stay, if I went to Hollywood, darlings, and which might be a nice follow up to "Anna Karenina!!!!!!"  I mean, fashion and froth after Moscow, adultery and suicide!!!!!!!!) and only because I was searching for the latest on the DIVINE MERYL that I hear about something called "Revenge Wears Prada--The Devil Returns!!!!!!!!"  What the hell is that, I wondered????  Someone online trying to be clever and glib??????  I'll kill them, because, if you read this, you know that is ME, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Actually, it is the title of Lauren's latest book!!!!!!!!!!!  Hey, Lauren, or SOMEONE, why didn't you tell me????????  I had no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             The first thing I have to do is buy a copy. Then I have to read 'Chateau,' because I have actually read all of Lauren's books in sequence. Then I have to see if she is doing a book promotion tour anywhere in town, (MY town, girls, New York City!!!!!!!) because not only do I want to get my copy autographed, but, more importantly, I want to find out the secret behind that fabulous hair!!!!!!!
Because if I can get my hair as fabulous as that, then I will be on my way to being published, you better believe it, and then maybe Lauren and I can finally have lunch at Bergdorf's!!!!!!!!!!  Or maybe even Daniel, which I have always been curious about!!!!!!!!!!  Especially as--I know, I could be shot for this!!!!--I was not all that impressed, in its day, with Le Cirque!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But how could a Lauren Weisberger book just slip under my nose, without me even knowing about it????????????  Some might start to question my Raving Queen status because of this, but don't you dare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Guess now you know what I will be doing this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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